#SL Server News Week 30

Last week I was busy with RL, so I’m just getting around to catching up on what was happening in SL. Looking through last week’s meetings minutes, several of the regular user group meetings were short and there was little discussion. So, there is little news to report.

Cheesy Linden – New Employee

Main Channel

We did get a roll out of new server software to the main channel on Tuesday.  The server maintenance package running on Blue Steel rolled to the main channel. This package was bug fixes and likely some security fixes.

Blue Steel & Le Tigre

These release channels ended up with the Advanced Creator Tools package (aka: Experience Tools). Apparently this was a last minute change. So, the roll out got confusing as to which packages were going where.

Last week a failure in the configuration tools caused the roll out of the tools to sort of fail. So, the previous week (29) was not the test it was intended to be. So, this week (30) is the real test.

During the week (30) they were looking into the Configuration Tool to find the problem. Hopefully that gets fixed for this week (31).


This channel continues to run the Pathfinding project. Some fixes were added and rolled to the channel on Wednesday. A last minute exploit was found, fixed, integrated to the software. This caused a second roll of the Magnum regions, I think on Thursday. Each roll delivered a new version.

Other than to say it was a serious security hole, the Lindens are not talking about it. They never do, unless it is something we already know all about.

The Lindens are hopeful Pathfinding will roll to the main channel …next… week (32). But, it may not, just depends on whether problems are found.

Mæstro Linden thinks this week’s (31) release channel update should do well and pass testing because they have fixes for all the known bugs…


This Advanced Creators Tool is apparently nerfed. It is more constrained than we were expecting. llTeleportAgentGlobalCoords() has the same restrictions, nerfs. Oskar updated the wiki on 7/25.

Blake Sea

The parts of the Blake See that are in Pathfinding regions has gotten confusing for residents. The Lindens are rearranging regions so more regions are running the same server version. Sailing from one version to a region with a different version is a problem when one region is a Pathfinding version and the other is not.

Data Centers

You may have heard that the Lab is consolidating from 3 data centers to two. That work and other last minutes changes made this roll out particularly hectic.

I suspect some of the consolidation work is adding to the problems in the Blake Sea. Nothing the Lindens have said supports that, so I am guessing.

Oskar did say there are operations people and development people. I think we only ever talk to the development people. But, the operations people will likely do most of the consolidation work. They will be less sensitive to issues like the Blake Sea sailing problems. I’m not even sure they can see which servers are actually running Blake Sea regions. I would not be surprised to learn they deal with regions based only on channel associations or other hardware designators.


SVC-7788Failed prim returns interfere with parcel’s prim usage and owner’s list until either the prims are selected or the region is restarted. If you are seeing this problem add your information to the JIRA item.

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