A new version of the RLViwer is out. They have added the new Spell Checker and Auto-Replace that we will see in Linden Lab viewers. Don’t confuse the meaning here to be that Linden Lab developed it. I think most of the development by Kitty Barrnet. Oz Linden did some coding on it. But, it get all confusing as to who did what when.
There are some bug fixes included.
Download the Restrained Love Viewer (RLV). This is a non-standard install. Click RLV in the details to the right to find other articles on RLV and how to install it. The site has instructions but if they don’t do it for you, may be mine will help.
Just to point out, “they” are Marine Kelley – originator of RLV, and who puts out this Viewer on her own as an integration of RLV with LL’s codebase.
Turning to the Spell Check code itself, this is a contribution from Kitty Barnett (incidentally the person most associated with the core of RLVa). Kitty was, I understand, approached by Oz and asked to contribute the code, her spelling checker having appeared in various TPVs.
Thanks for adding the information.