Kirsten Viewer Update

Kirsten Contribution Panel

As of December 7 there will be 9 days left to raise the funds to keep the Kirsten Viewer alive. Today 25% of the needed funds have been raised. Unless a white knight shows up or people get a move on, it looks like the Kirsten Viewer is a goner.


Visit CrowdFunder to donate. Please pass this link around. Post signs in SL. You can pick up a copy of the sign at my place in SL.

Only 129 people have donated. When the 21(9) version came out it was the only TPV that could upload mesh. Hamlet thought all 8,000+ down loaders were dedicated users. I was sure it was more like 1,500 from previous months’ download numbers. Still I assumed there were more users that liked the viewer enough to donate. So far that is not the case. Seems we both over estimated.

One does get some benefit for donating toward the viewer. See my Previous Kirsten Update.

My image is an old one… the current image at Crowdfunder shows the current actual contributions.

Please do what you can to help.


One thought on “Kirsten Viewer Update”

  1. I just went on and read some of the comments in KL’s blog and was shocked at the negativity and cynicism in some of them. Hopefully Dawny and Lee can settle in their new home and be healthy and successful in the future. It will be sad if KL’s viewer does not continue, but there are more important things in life for them now.

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