SL Community Tools News

The Community Tools User Group is a group about: Feedback and discussion of the Second Life wiki and community platform (SL Answers, Blogs, Forums, the Knowledge Base). The facilitator is normally Lexie Linden. However, Jeremy and Rand Linden are facilitating as Lexie is away until early November.

Community Tools Group

Mesh Update 2

Jeremy says he is working on documentation for Mesh 2 and that it is nearing release. He can’t say anything about what is in the project. For Jeremy, doing documentation, a significant part of the change is from PE to Land Impact.

Most of the Lindens in User Groups/Office Hours do not have ‘Announcement Privileges.’ They have to wait to talk about things until management announces it. They often are bursting to spill the beans.

Jeremy gave a good explanation for why they restrict information. “Jeremy Linden: Well, part of the reason we can’t talk about stuff that’s still in development is that it can often cause people to… “extrapolate” what it’ll be like when it’s done and then get upset (or worse, excited) about something that will change a lot before it’s ready to go public for real.

User behavior does have an effect on how Lindens communicate.

Billing Options Change

International users are being moved to the same billing system as US residents. The process should be simpler.

Best Practices

With the changes in creation abilities in Second Life new Best Practices for creating content are being reconsidered and updated.

An interesting consideration is in regard to who best can write Best Practices for content creation. Some think the engine builders would be best. Jeremy points out that they often are not SL content creators.

As residents many of us have noticed the disconnect between LL developers and user needs. That is just part of life in the software world. Content creators probably can do a better job of writing Best Practices, which then need to be optimized by the developers. Creators know what they do and what seems to work well. Developers know what is efficient for the server and client. I think it takes some combination of effort to get the best result.

Jeremy put up the new page: Content Creation Best Practices. Those that understand any of the aspects of content should consider adding there knowledge to the page. I personally think the new page should be more of a table of content than the actual practices, but that is me.

One adds subpage by adding wiki markup like this: [[The Subpage Name]]. Save the change then click on the new link to get to the new page. You are then given options for creating the new page.

Kudos Change

It seems for some time people have wanted to award more kudos in the SL Blogrum. That is under consideration and the limit may be increased. It may be November before we know.

Summing It Up

The Community Tools User Group seems like a productive group.

There were more hints in the meeting that new things are coming to SL.

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