There are always little bits of news floating around. None are large enough to warrant an article. So, I’ll collect them and post the ones I find interesting when I notice them.
Kirsten Linux
A new version of the Kirsten Viewer for Linux systems is out.
Still lots of churn about user names and ID’s in Google+. Tweats and blogs are giving more information. But, we are only hearing a mix of attitudes coming from Google staffers. Attitudes range from vigilante reporting pseudonyms to ways to fool people and get around the problem. No actual position statements from Google and certainly no change in ToS.
Hamlet at New World Notes is ranting about Google+ and pseudonyms. I characterize it as a rant, but it is rational and he makes lots of good points. Plus, there are lots of good stats on pseudonym use. At one point he adds up all the users that are using pseudonyms in various services. I suspect many of those users are duplicates. But, he makes a good point. Now, does anyone know how to get Google to listen?
Second Life Following
Opensource Obscure tweated: Interested in #SecondLife? Follow @TateruNino @Nalates @Rodvik @TycheShepherd @AdeonWriter @MalBurns + #SL #Twitter.
I’m impressed that two of us listed are from the Myst Online community… I’m happy to be listed as one to follow about SL.
More on New SL Web Profile
Opensource Obscure also tweeted about visiting Morris, ADITI grid to see the new aspects of your coming Web Profile. Also, if you are using a new viewer you will see the Windlight Settings in Morris change your environment settings.
Linden Exchange Rates
Apparently Euro exchanges rates have taken a good turn for Europeans. That shift is not an SL thing but an economy thing. US$ Exchange Rates are currently running at L$249 Sell and L$259 buy. There is about L$88 million buy at L$250 pending. (7/20 @ 9:50 AM PT/SLT)
If you don’t know, the best way to buy or sell Lindens is with Limit Orders. My article on buying and selling Lindens is way out of date, but the ideas are the same. You can see the market data on Linden transactions at: LindeX™ Exchange: Market Data.
Free and Cheap Stuff
I found The Freebie Telegraph blog this morning. Seems this blog is about deals and freebies in Second Life. It is quite a contrast to my daily dose of Daily Look – The Fashion Blog. Check the Telegraph out, if you are looking for interesting deals.
I also found FabFree blog, which does seem to have free and cheap stuff.
New Myst-Uru Place in SL
For those that have played Myst games, there is a new parcel in the Myst Style tradition. This is a puzzle/adventure type of place. Visit Refuge. Or paste into the location bar in your viewer.
If you haven’t noticed, you can click in the Location Bar and the text there changes to a proper SLURL.
This is not a full or complete puzzle. This is Inanna, an SL residents and Myst fan, starting a project to see how SL works for Inanna’s purposes. So, it may be more accurate to call this a ‘hunt’ than a puzzle. It is amazing what Inanna has done in such a small space.
The weather changes quickly in Refuge’s ground level. In general it is a well done area and the weather changes are impressive. I’ve even seen tornados there. Those that have visited Myst Online will recognize some artifacts that are in Refuge.
Be warned the region is in testing and some things are not yet working correctly. If you Mouse Steer all the weather textures will cause you problems.
Also, if you don’t know, Crux Isle is another Myst Style puzzle in Second Life. You can’t use the World Map to get there. Well, you can… but the Landing point from a Map search and tp sucks and lands one in a bad location. Use SEARCH and fine the Crux Isle Start ‘PLACE’. Or use my LM.
Crux Isle has a help group; Mystified Retreat. The new web pages make it hard to find a link to groups. The viewer I’m in right now… I can’t find one, but I can get impatient.
It is important one start Crux Isle at the beginning to get the… back pack… book… I forget, that allows you to save your progress through the puzzle. And Crux is a fun puzzle.
OSGrid 4th Birthday
OSGrid is the largest of the OpenSim grids. This weekend they are having their 4th birthday. Check it out at the OSGrid Forum in OSG4B Celebration Planning and Schedules.
For my Myst friends, be sure to check out The Devokan Trust’s build. Even Dot was actually building part of it.
New Splash Page
Opensource Obscure found a JIRA that indicates we are going to get a new login splash page. No other details are available. Anyone want to bet whether it features some new Social Network thing?
Hi Nalates,
I’ve had your feed on my reader for quite some time. Even though I’ve been absent from SL for a long while I have a planned(ish) return, probably as a content provider (I used to be just a.. lets call it Creative Troublemaker :D), and your updates are invaluable for me to stay, well, up to date with what’s going on inworld, both concerning trends and technology. Don’t be surprised when you are “listed as one to follow about SL” 🙂 I have recommended your blog and will continue to do so!
Keep up the great work, it is very much appreciated!
Fax Fellini
Thx for the kind words and I appreciate the recommendations.
I checked out your blog (yeah I was checking if you were spamming me – I’m jaded). That is NICE. I’ve been trying to find Blender tutorials that show texturing information. I have to look through your past posts to see what all is there. UVMaps seem to work differently in 2.5. Simplifying models and saving UVMaps as I simplify seems to be much more of a pain in 2.5x. I think these will be big things for SL-Mesh makers. they are for me.
Thanks for reading! I wasn’t a blender user before 2.5 so I can’t compare the workflow, but I agree that there aren’t many resources on texturing in Blender. I’m currently focusing on improving my textures in a general way, but I do intend to provide more blender-specific info later on. I’ll keep you posted.
Hi Nalates, I just found out about this tutorial (on “advanced UV mapping”). Haven’t checked it yet but thought you might be interested anyway: