Update: 2010-11-03: Be sure to click more
I think Kirsten’s viewer is probably the most advanced viewer currently out. I’m not saying it has the most power user features. But, it has the most SLV2 features working, and working as well or better than Linden Lab’s SLV2.2. I’m just now downloading this viewer and have yet to try it.
See the first round announcement in Kirsten’s blog: KirstenLee S20 Build 41 (Release)
New Features
I tried the viewer on ADITI in the Mesh Sandbox 23. They have cleaned out several of the sandboxes. The 41 viewer is not rendering meshes. š I was getting 50 to 75 FPS š
While it is not new to this viewer, the ability to turn on Parcel Properties and Coordinates is very nice. You’ll find those options in Preferences on the Viewer tab under General Viewer. Be sure you click on theĀ triangleĀ just left of the label. The Mini Map settings areĀ hiding. This is part of the new user interface in this version.
In the main grid I am getting 40 to 50 FPS. Turning on Light & Shadows turns my screen black and takes me down to 0.3 FPS. Chat windows, sidebar and other stuff are visible. Even after a restart my screen remained black and FPS at 0.3. The CPU is only at 60 or 70%. So, I expect a video problem. Adjusting other settings and multiple logins doesn’t seem to help. Clearing the cache and settings doesn’t seem to help.
The KirstenLee forum has suggestions for fixing the black screen problem. However, one must find the Advanced Graphics settings in Preferences. The new ‘no-tab’ drop down bars tend to hide many of the settings on what would previously be other tabs. These types of bars are common on web sites but usually work differently than how these are implemented. Whatever, none of the tweaks have worked for me. No shadows… š
Release notes for (41) are not up yet… expect more later today or tomorrow.
Update 2010-11-03 – Seems there is a problem with the version of the program released yesterday… beyond what IĀ experienced. Kirsten has put up a new compile of the version. So, if you downloaded the new version before today, get a new copy.