Kirsten Viewer Build 26

Second Life Viewer

KirstenLee Viewer 26

Sunday Kirsten released a new build. I was the 226th to download a copy… Kirsten’s viewer is about as bleeding edge as one can get. Her site has a warning to that affect. So, don’t jump on this viewer if you want perfection. It has been known to crash and have problems. However… problems seem to be quickly repaired.

Kirsten says this is a massive rebuild because of some foundation type problem. This version is described as a versions 2.1.0 beta viewer. This means it has voice morphing. If you have not heard about voice morphing see: Second Life Viewer 2.1 Alpha.

Several people have had problems installing it over previous viewers. It does an uninstall, but you may still need to clear the cache and settings, which means wipe the folder and reinstall. There appears to be no cache-clear option in Preferences. The reset button changes the cache location to the default location. You can play like you are selecting a new cache location and browser to the current cache and select it. That forces a cache clear.

Media On A Prim (MOAP) is working. I like that.

Turning on shadows pulls me from 60+ FPS down to 6. But, they look good.

This viewer is a nice cross between the new user interface and the old interface.


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