There are lots of tutorials on dress making. Yet, one of the things most have left out is color matching between prim clothes and … I guess AV clothes, the clothes one sees in the appearance menu. The image from Meara D shows the problem. Getting the two to match and blend together since Windlight has been a problem. While this may be old news to some of you, I just found it. What The Fug has a tutorial on just this problem. Also known as ‘WeHateWhatYourWearing’ blog. Snarky but fun.
I have loads of tight miniskirts (you know the ones) with a prim panel that does not match. Other prim skirts have the same problem. There is a fix. Even better there is a tutorial See Tinting Prims for Windlight.
There are lots of broken images on the page, at least for me. They are there, they just may not display. You can click most to see the larger image.
Pingback: Matching Skin Colors
Just a note about the “WeHateWhatYouAreWearing” blog… it has been marked as invitation only access is denied to everyone.
Go ahead, give it a try maybe you’ll be luckier than me.
Curious, why would anyone write a blog then not want it read, giggles