Ebbe Altberg @ TechFlags

I see the Ebbe Altberg, Linden Lab’s CEO, will speak at TecgFlags’ Expand event in November. See TechFlags’ post listing speakers for the event.

Since Altberg broke the news about the Lab building a new world, we haven’t heard much from him. This may be an opportunity to hear something more about SL2. Or all we may hear is on where tech is heading, but that would sort of be what SL2 will target.


Ebbe Visits Server-Scripting UG

We haven’t heard much about what is in the works at the Lab. I suspect that Lindens are somewhat conditioned to not say anything about things that have not been officially cleared for release. But, today Ebbe Linden, Ebbe Altberg – Linden Lab CEO, was at the UG meeting. Since he is the last word on what can be released for public consumption, he can speak more freely. I’ll provide news updates then get to Ebbe’s comments.


Ebbe Linden – 6/2014


There is nothing more to say than I reported yesterday. See: Second Life News 2014-24. Continue reading

Jo on Ebbe Altberg

Jo Yardley, the 1920’s Berlin creator, was invited to the recent in-world meeting with Ebbe Altberg. She has posted her take on the meeting and expressed her opinions. See: Chatting with Ebbe Altberg, new CEO of Linden Lab.

Jo Yardley - 1920's Berlin

Jo Yardley – 1920’s Berlin

Jo gives more  information about the meeting than the other reports I’ve been reading. That alone makes it worth reading. Some of the points I found interesting follow.  Continue reading

Ciaran on Daniel on Ebbe Altberg

Daniel has an article about a meeting with Linden Lab’s new CEO. Ciaran Laval has an article on the article and noticed the Mr. Altman has posted in the SL Forum.

Ebbe Linden Robot - Image by Daniel Voyager

Ebbe Linden as Robot – Image by Daniel Voyager

See: Ebbe Linden first Meet and Greet with SL Press


See: Ebbe Altberg Lands With Informal Post But No Mention Of Orcs

As we learn more about Mr. Altberg I am more hopeful about the directions he will take Second Life and Linden Lab.

Mr. Altberg has studied fine art and computer science. I consider that a good sign for a business that deals in creative spaces.