#SL Mesh Deformer Update Week 41

The Mesh Deformer is in testing. Oz Linden still needs more test clothes to test with. While the first part of the Deformer is complete, a second part is just getting started.

The Deformer as is works. I think pretty well. That ‘deforming’ part is being tested. But, a part that was added to the Deformer is the base shapes feature. Currently we can select two base shapes for the Deformer to start its calculations from. But, we could have more base shapes because choice is really what Karl added in.

Possible Prototype for Deformer Upload

The only shapes that exist right now are the default female and male. Where are we going to get more? By making and uploading them. But, we can’t do that right now. That upload thing is the part that is in development now.

Darien Caldwell is currently working on that project. The repository branch https://bitbucket.org/oz_linden/viewer-storm-1716 is what Darin is forking for a starting point.

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Another Deformer Update

With the Mesh Deformer project near completion several people are much more into testing, using, and complaining about  the Mesh Deformer. Early adopters are definitely jumping in. That doesn’t mean there are enough test clothes submitted. We still need more. But, those of us trying out the Deformer are bringing up our special cases. Avoid being left out, make sure your stuff works, get involved.

The Design Model – Default Avatar

I am interested in using the latest Deformer Project viewer (see the left column for a link to the download) to make tight fitting skirts. I and others have run into problems. That has increased chatter in the JIRA STORM-1716, which I covered a couple of days ago in: #SL Mesh Deformer Discussion. Discussion is continuing.

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#SL Mesh Deformer Discussion

There is some discussion going on in the JIRA thread STORM-1716. Everyone should be able to see the item. I am not sure who can and cannot comment on it. The comments over the last week or two are on the current Deformer, which I call 0.4.

Problem with Default Sit Pose

User Error

One of the Deformer problems Karl described as User Error. That term is going to mean different things to different people. I think Kitsune Shan best described the problem saying, “Anyway, I see why Qarl says that about “user error”. Most people here use Blender, they trend to just select the mesh and the skeleton, so the weights are copied, but NOT correctly applied. Handmade weights are always necessary if you want to do a good job. And the other factor is that people keep paying more attention in how the default mesh deforms than using a custom one. Tests can be done using a very high poly density mesh, so changes, spikes and vertex problems are more visible. Using the default avatar shape isn’t too bad as “test” but remember, no one will use the default mesh to make clothes.

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Mesh Deformer Test

Darien Caldwell did a test of the newly released version of the Mesh Deformer. The test is shown in an 8 minute video posted on YouTube. You can discuss the test over on SLUniverse: SL Deformer Test, where I first saw the video.

In the video Darien has the avatar wearing a copy of the clothing templates so we can see the avatar’s polygons. He used a copy of the avatar as a rigged mesh attachment with a black texture for clothing. This makes it really easy to see the places where the two meshes match up and overlay each other.

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Mesh Deformer Update 36

We have the new Mesh Deformer Project Viewer. The upload options for deformable mesh have changed. All deformable mesh items previous made are now obsolete. It seems the viewer will not deform mesh previously uploaded.

Runatai Linden Mesh Avatar – Way Cute

If you are one of the helpful people that uploaded test clothes for the Mesh Deformer project, you need to upload the items again. The upload will set the new avatar selector switch, which will make then usable for testing.

The original request for test clothes is: Mesh Garments needed for testing deformer.

The download location for the Second Life Mesh Deformer Project Viewer.

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New Mesh Deformer Project Viewer

I see a new project viewer has been released for the Mesh Deformer as of August 31. Version: Second Life 3.4.1 (264215) Aug 31 2012 07:02:04 (Project Viewer – Deformer).

You can download the Mesh Deformer Project Viewer here. CYGWIN = Windows version for XP, Vista, and Win7. Darwin is for Macs, and you can probably figure out Linux is for Linux.

New Mesh Upload Panel

The viewer has the new limited grid selector. So, it is not usable on OpenSim grids. It also only lists the main and preview grids, which is all the residents can use anyway.

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Mesh Deformer Status Week 35

Max Graf posted on Plurk. I’ve quoted most of his comments and I’ve corrected some spelling, completed some sentences, made paragraphs, and omitted comments by others. It is not a perfect quote. Read the actual Plurk thread before reacting to this version of the post. I am also going to assume you know the players. If not, click on the Tagged: Deformer link in the right-hand column.

Nice but High Poly Count

[It is] 415 days since we formally requested LL fix mesh clothing. Qarl submitted the first working deformer 245 days ago. WTF, LL? Will it ever be?

This is the kind of disgusting response to the community that is going to drive SL into the ground. Change needs to happen. Looking at you, Oz and Rod. Really.

As I stated from the beginning, why should they implement this, honestly, when we are so willing to change our shapes to fit the mesh or do countless hours of extra work in order to make the system usable? If we want to do all that extra work, they are more than happy to let us.

I mean, we even came together and PAID FOR IT, Rod. If that doesn’t tell you how badly we want this, nothing will. In the meantime, the months roll by, the tier adds up; perfectly understandable why solutions are slow to arrive. We keep paying.
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MetaReality: Making a Difference

MetaReality has this week’s podcast out. Salome Strangelove and Karl Stiefvater (Qarl Fizz, formerly Qarl Linden) are guests in this week’s edition.

Metareality Podcasts

I’ll remind you this is not a transcript of the podcast. This my take on what I heard said and relationship between what I heard to what was meant by the speakers is purely coincidental… well… may be not. I try to convey the meaning of what is said. If you find anything offensive or upsetting, listen to the audio before raving.

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