Blender 2.8 Terrain Tutorial

I think this is a handy tutorial for those of us that need to make terrain. Some time ago, years, I went through this exercise for OpenSim. This is much easier.

There is a lot of texturing beyond just creating the geometry. I doubt the texturing can do much for those of us making terrain for Second Lifeâ„¢.

At 11 min in, he gets into importing terrain with buildings. This is way neat.

Last AvaStar Update For Blender 2.79

AvaStar is updating. This is the last set of fixes and improvements for AvaStar targeting Blender 2.79. The next release will target Blender 2.8. This is significant because Blender is undergoing a radical change. Those of us with work-in-progress are likely to stay with 2.79 for some time. I probably won’t change over until my current projects are complete. So, I want as good a version of AvaStar as possible.

Blender 2.8 Pre-Alpha Splash Screen

Also, I will keep 2.79 on my computer for a long time in case I have to make a change in a project made with 2.79.

Machinimatrix made this announcement.

We are at the junction point!

The plan for the near future is:

– Release Avastar 2.6 around 13-july-2019.
– Plan for Avastar 2.6 to be the last release for blender 2.79.
– Start the final migration from Avastar 2.6 to Avastar-2.8 for Blender 2.80 around 15-july-2019.

Since Avastar is a huge Addon we currently can not tell when the migration will be done. We try our best.

cheers, Gaia

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Blender 2.8 – Beginner’s Tutorial

Blender is in Beta and it seems everyone is making tutorials. Once you open Blender 2.8 you’ll know the previous tutorials are out of date to the point of useless. So, here is a nice video for total noobs.


Blender 2.8 Alpha Splash

This is a web page with written information and four short tutorials. Then a second page with 4 more tutorials.

The instructions cover the ‘archive-type’ install on Windows that is now the default Blender install. I’ve used the archive-type install for years allowing me to have various versions installed at the same time. With 2.8 I suspect many will want a 2.79 version and 2.80 installed. One for production and one for learning.