Marine has released another couple of updates to the RLV viewer, 2.9.19 and Also, there are some recommended changes to RLV itself. Marine has added some additional commands to the RLV process. See: RLV 2.9.19.
- @list – returns a list of RLV restrictions currently active.
- @stopim – closes the IM chat window.
- 4 menu items in the small menu of chat windows
- send “@version”
- send “@getblacklist”
- send “@list”
- send “@stopim”
These are mostly for programmers but, the menu will be handy for users.
There are also rendering improvements, mostly for efficiency and that means speed, FPS. I think the efficiency was added previously but, there were bugs and now those are fixed.
RLV is an article about the changes to the render process.