WordPress  Lost Connection Problems 2015

You may have noticed odd behavior and changes in the blog over the past days and probably in coming, days. I’ve been running into performance problems with this site. If you notice it on your side, it probably appears as a delay before a page loads. On my side the Admin pages are horribly slow and I see a lot of: Connection lost. Saving has been disabled until you’re reconnected. We’re backing up this post in your browser, just in case.

Timeless Memories 2
Timeless Memories 2 by .:: Designer Circle ::. since 2010, on Flickr

It may take a few seconds or over 10 minutes for that connection issue to clear. During that time I can’t save a draft or publish an article. Very frustrating.

Pings and route traces to the server are fine. Researching the problem I find other WordPress users are having similar problems. So, it is unlikely a network problem.

I’m in the process of chasing down the problem. Most of my search involves enabling and disabling plug-ins.

I normally run 24 plug-ins. They haven’t been a problem. But, as readership has increased, I find something is not scaling well. First I had to move off the Windows ASP server, in which one of my business associates-friends had given me space. Then upgrade my new server to the top level shared Linux host available at Go Daddy. All the time thinking the slowness was a problem with the host.

After spending some time with Go Daddy support, RuthAnn was great, the problem seems to be memory. Now I am looking for what is driving up my memory use and suspecting it is something other than the host. I doubled my memory limit from 512 to 1024mb. I still run out of memory but less often and for shorter periods.

It does seem the problem all along has been high memory use. The WordPress people have basic help for the problem. But, that all boils down to ‘it’s the plug-ins’. It may be.

There is a plug-in named P3 Profiler. This can be used to profile your plug-ins in relation to page load time. Which suggests which ones are using more CPU and memory, but its not as clearvut as I would like.

Another plug-in, WP Memory Load and db size Usage, puts a couple of numbers in the footer of your admin pages.

Another plug-in is WP Condition – WPFIXIT.net that adds an admin page that shows DB Performance, Site Performance, Memory Use, Peak Memory Use, and Social Performance. But, the memory use numbers seem to have little if any relationship to what I see in the site’s Cpanel Metrics.

I did find that www.ripe.net (Réseaux IP Européens which is French for “European IP Networks”) is one of the heaviest draws on my site. They such gigabytes of data from my site daily. I may block them to see if their robots are the problem.

6 thoughts on “WordPress  Lost Connection Problems 2015”

  1. Maybe while fiddling you can fix the ad that blocks a good deal of the column below your photo. Just hoping.

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