In The Wash Fabulously Free is doing their Gachamaina. This is a place to landmark. The collection of free and cheap stuff from name designers is nice. The Carnival of Choas, you’ll have to look around for it, has more gachas stuff and is a well done build.
There seems to be a move toward selling mesh clothes cheaply, but without demo versions. It seems to be sort of a does it look interesting enough to be worth the gamble? I think merchants with demos and low conversion rates may be trying the idea of dropping price and demos to up income.
Whatever the case, I finding few Fitted Mesh clothes. Almost everything I come across is Standard Sizing clothes that fit too poorly for me to enjoy them. But, dang… there is some gorgeous stuff out there, just don’t sit down.
There are occasional exceptions to the no-sitting-rule. To quote Holly Black, “Clever as the Devil and twice as pretty.” See: Clever at A Passion for Virtual Fashion.
Honour has a fun read in an Open Letter to SL Zombies.
For photographers there is NiranV’s Black Dragon Viewer, version released a day or two ago. It has Godray’s, those rays of sun light coming through clouds that make for dramatic photography. NiranV (YouTube name for author channel) made a video showing the viewer’s render. The effect is subtle but dramatic.
[youtube luxYk8muWlw]
The Black Dragon Viewer is now in the Third Party Viewers Directory. NiranV’s blog announces the release making it into TPV list.
The feature is apparently not enabled in the download version. You must edit a file inside the viewer’s install directory to get the rays to render. Instructions are on the SLUniverse forum. But, that really makes no sense to me. I’m not going to be installing the viewer, so I’m having to go by hearsay and what I’ve come across.
I’m seeing some hair do’s with curlers. Strawberry Singh has an article titled Distain. I guess it gives a look…

The Lost Mine – Madpea
New Word Notes came back online. At least it comes up in my browser.
Apparently Typepad went down and took a huge number of sites down.
SL RC Viewer – Interesting – (Second Life 3.7.6 (288879) – expecting an update today) I always crash on exit. That is apparently a false report popup. The viewer is an interesting combination of fast and slow rendering. It appears to depend on the region. But, putting your cursor over things seems to cause them to render quickly. That feature had disappeared for a time. It is nice to have it back.
I did get an update to: 3.7.7 (289461) Apr 22. But, it still has the problem of leaving attachments at the teleport landing point. I changed an outfit and still had an item following me all over the grid. Every time I made a tp I left a sleeve floating where I landed.
Destination Guide – Both in-viewer and web versions seems to come and go. If it isn’t working give it an hour… or 2.
The Lost Mine adventure game and hunt are ongoing. It’s a Madpea thing.