SL LEA Particle Show

The nice looking stuff for the Particle Show is mostly in these videos for now. The first video was published to YouTube in November 2013. But, I didn’t notice any of the newly available particle effects. Still, it is gorgeous.

Mary Wickentower: Redemption (8 min)

[youtube ClECWMuyO_o]

That is a pretty awesome display of particles. The next one is similar. 

The Belfire video is from 2012. The Linden Endowment for the Arts (LEA) chose this Particle Show starring Spectr3 Belfire to showcase in the MoMAC Month of Machinima.

Mary Wickentower: Particle Show starring Spectr3 Belfire (6 min)

[youtube 85y2VvbkK74]

The next video is from July 2013. It looks to me like transparency is used, but not any of the new particle effects. I think this was made before their release. I’m too hurried to look it up just now. But, this is a gorgeous video, plus I like Phil Collins music.

Ermes Dallagio created the unique particles used in his performance. The style is bold and distinctive and all his own. You can find his creations in his Market Place Store.

Mary Wickentower: In The Air (7 min)

[youtube lwR4fG-lEhA]

In-world show: January 19 – 1pm  at The Wonderful World of Particles. I am assuming this is SL time (PST).

As of now the region seems rather empty. More stuff is to appear as the month advances. I am hoping to see some of the new particle effects put to use.


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