Fixed Again

Well, it’s fixed again. Most of the time fixing this problem was spent in setting up a test frame. I had to get MySQL set up. Then get PHP set up. Then install Apache HTTP server. Then get those integrated. It has been probably three years since I set these up last. Lots has changed.

Then I found out that WordPress has import and export problems. My blog’s database is only about 13 MB. Depending on your web host, max file size for an upload via WordPress import/export is 2 to 10 MB.

Most of the web tutorials that show how these things are set up are way out of date now. So, I had to figure out all the bugs and gotchas and clean those up before I could even start looking for my problem. Whatever, now have a working test frame.

Once I had the test frame, it didn’t take very long to find the problem and get it fixed. It seems the new WordPress and my theme don’t get along very well. So, I’ve got some sections that apparently need to be rewritten. Or… Maybe I’ll just make a new theme.

4 thoughts on “Fixed Again”

  1. There seems to be a problem with the RSS feed. My existing subscription no longer works, and when I go directly to the feed URL,, it throws up an error: This page contains the following errors:

    error on line 3 at column 6: XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document

    1. Thanks for pointing it out, I did not realize.

      Playing with some plugins I broke some parts of the blog. I did not have my WP Theme Building frame setup after changing to Win7. So, I got dumb and tried the plugins on my live site, big mistake. The problem seems to be in how my theme ‘doesn’t work’ with the current WP version. Well, it was the first theme I built from scratch. The installation and removal of some plugins seems to have eaten some parts if my theme.

      I am building a new theme from scratch. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. It will be a responsive design based on the 2013 theme I used for a few days.

      1. Any chance to get the RSS feed working again?
        After the end of iGoogle and my migration to igHome, my old feed widget of your blog gave up working. I would like to add the headlines feed again. Right now, I get the same error message that KT Kingsley described above.

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