Olantica Grid

I got a note that a new grid is around. If you’ve been To Olantica grid tell me what you think of it in comments.

This is an OpenSim world. Other than that I don’t know much about it. However there is a web site with a bit more information. See: Olantica – Lost Wolrd. They have a currency  So, one should be able to buy and sell between the VW and RL. That also means one has to trust them with their financial information. But, they do have free accounts.

Read the ToS. It does not inspire me to buy currency.

To point your viewer to the world use these settings:

Grid Nick: Olantica
Grid Name: Olantica
Login URI: http://olantica.net:8002/

Login In Page: http://olantica.net/splash/
Helper URI: http://olantica.net/scripts/helper/

For direct information contact the founder: Leslie Kling

4 thoughts on “Olantica Grid”

  1. visited the grid and its a real friendly one.
    Well made, mesh enabled grid with nice mentors and a welcoming-area, were to feel really welcome.
    For this trip i toke the fabulous ZEN-viewer, due its robustness and cause other grids are easy to put in its ‘grids.user.xml’.
    First time visitors land in a welcome area with a rich equipped and well made newbie “first-aid” shoes and so on.

  2. Some statistics on 2012-01-07 at 5:26 PDT
    Total Users: 330
    Total Regions: 62
    Online Now: 11
    Unique Visitors last 30 days: 149

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