Windlight Magazine for October is Out

Windlight Magazine October Cover

Windlight Magazine October Cover

I’m not an avid reader of the magazine. In fact this is the first time I’ve even looked at an issue. I see people posting about it in various places. But, I’ve never seen anything that intrigued me to look at it. But, I recently saw some architectural images on Flickr that were amazing. I thought they were Blender renderings. But, as best I can tell they were made in SL and possibly Photoshop’d, but even Blender images get Photoshop’d.

So, when I noticed this issue has a section on Architectural Art in SL and on Huckleberry Hax, a writer. Those two items were enough to get me to click and check it out.

The magazine covers art in Second Life™. It is more about art and where to see it than it is about displaying art in the pages of the magazine.

The images of the architectural art are less than I hoped for. I’ve seen better images in Flickr. However, this is likely just because of the image quality used in the magazine, which may be why it is more about where to find art than trying to show it to you. So, the article points to this work of art in Second Life named: Angel Manor by Kaya Angel. Continue reading

Bits and Pieces 2013-34

Reflecting back I find this year to be a year when I know more about what the Lindens are doing and have in the pipeline than at any time previously. Yet, we still know almost nothing about what the Lindens plan to put in the pipeline next. That is typical in the free world’s competitive business market place. But, it is certainly annoying.

Really nice lighting and decor. Designed Chaos

Really nice lighting and decor. Designed Chaos

Many of the things the Lindens are doing now are large projects. When Rod started with Linden Lab the plan was to start fixing and changing problems to make SL more enjoyable and useable. First the easily fixed things were fixed. In these years managed by Rod large projects are more the order of daily business. Bake fail was a problem long before Rod arrived. In 2011 the Lab started working to figure out the causes and now in August 2013 a change to reduce bake fail has just rolled out.  Continue reading

Olantica Grid

I got a note that a new grid is around. If you’ve been To Olantica grid tell me what you think of it in comments.

This is an OpenSim world. Other than that I don’t know much about it. However there is a web site with a bit more information. See: Olantica – Lost Wolrd. They have a currency  So, one should be able to buy and sell between the VW and RL. That also means one has to trust them with their financial information. But, they do have free accounts.

Read the ToS. It does not inspire me to buy currency.

To point your viewer to the world use these settings:

Grid Nick: Olantica
Grid Name: Olantica
Login URI:

Login In Page:
Helper URI:

For direct information contact the founder: Leslie Kling

Finding Interesting Places and Things

I think many Second Life residents have a bit of the explorer in them. Curiosity is an attribute of many residents. So, news of interesting places is usually welcome. And then there are clothes and shoes, which are really important. Finding good sources of information on places, clothes, and shoes can be a problem. I’ve found a couple of blogs that seem to have never-ending-streams of interesting stuff.


Second Life Places

Second Life Places

Search remains broken. But the in-world Destinations Guide in Search gives us an ever changing list of places to visit. However, Honour’s Post Menopausal View is a blog providing a genuinely interesting flow of places to visit. Each article in the blog introduces a place with photos and a brief write up by Honour McMillan. On average she posts one new article per day.

Clothes & Shoes

Second Life Fashion

Second Life Fashion

We have such a varied interest in fashion it is hard to recommend a fashion blog that is interesting to everyone. The Daily Look is a good recommendation for all. That includes the fashion conscious men too. Articles appearing in The Daily Look cover a wide range of tastes and styles.

The Daily Look blog is an aggregation of fashion blogs. You’ll likely find some of your favorite designers linking their blogs into The Daily Look. The number of new articles on a slow day is 50 or more. On most days there are over 100 new articles. Fortunately the articles are picture rich and text poor.

Warning… reading The Daily Look can be expensive. The blog of course is free. However, the clothes you find and want are not… well some are free. Reading the blog… well… looking at the pictures, has lead to by buying new outfits. Plus there is skin, makeup, hair, nails, stockings… ethnic styles… everything related to your look is there… and tempting. Now and then you’ll see articles on new furnishings for your home too.

If you are breaking into the fashion world, this is a good place to see the competition. Plus it is a good exhibition of fashion photography. One can easily see the strong and weak promotions.

All the items in the images are from recent posts in the two blogs.