Update: June 25 – New version
Emerald Viewer version is the actual version number on the Modular blog.
The web site, forum, and blog at Modular have changed. The new alpha and beta versions are available via the blog. See: http://blog.modularsystems.sl/
To access the rest of the Emerald information start at the web site. From there you can reach Help and the Forum. See: http://modularsystems.sl/
I suspect the intended new home page is: http://emerald.modularsystems.sl/index.shtml But, one can’t find the blog and beta versions from there.
With the 2165 build I’m hearing complaints of the WebKit bug returning. (See Media Plugin Webkit Fail) I can’t tell if this is an Emerald problem or one caused by users. Initially problems were caused as people added the WebKit software to their system and firewalls and anti-virus programs objected.
Media On A Prim (MOAP) is not working in 2165. So, I’m not sure why there is a WebKit problem…
The scripting pre-processor is working again. May be. I’ve heard some complaints and problems. If you write scripts for SL then check out the Pre-Processor. See Emerald LSL Preprocessor This is still buggy. Be sure you have a backup of any script you are working on. The Pre-Processor has been known to delete scripts. There is a setting in Preferences but a note on the blog says you have to turn pre-processing on via a debug setting…
Radar has been changed.
They say they are close to having a finished version soon. May be a couple of weeks.