Tech and Space 2016 w/47

I like science and math. Science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. To practice science one needs observations and experiments.

On the observation side, Nov 19th the NOAA GOES-R weather satellite was launched.

Launches and later positioning are not as simple as one might imagine. Getting into a geo-stationary orbit at the correct place is no simple thing. It is expected to take 16 days to maneuver and test the satellite before it is in the right place. Then a year of testing follows. Depending on the results and the health of other GOES satellites this new satellite will park over either the east or west coast of America.  Continue reading

1,122 Record Cold Temps in the U.S. in One Week

This is the type of story that you don’t see in the mainstream media. It doesn’t fit the agenda. If you haven’t seen any mention of this information, realize you are only getting part of the news and consider finding a more complete news source.

1,122 Record Cold Temps173 Record Warm temps.

Record Breaking Hi & Low Temps -

Record Breaking Hi & Low Temps –

View the map on for the interactive map. Move your cursor over dots to see the previous record. Let me know if you find high records that break records older than 1950. There is at least one: 1940.

If you are well informed about weather and temperature measuring you know that most of the world’s high temperature records were set in the 1930’s. The recording stations with broken records weren’t around in the 1930’s. So, it is sort of cheating to say these are new ‘weather’ records. They are new records for specific stations not the area.

Who Do You Believe?

We are about to enter another summer of ‘record breaking heat.’ Or are we? Last year all sorts of records for the hottest temperature on record were broken. Or were they? There is a huge amount of misinformation being shoveled out. It is difficult to find out who is providing the information and find the actual data to check who is spinning what. Who is lying, who is telling the truth?

Politicians are hoping people are too lazy and ignorant to catch-on to what is being done. To survive people will supposedly pay any tax.

In 2012 there were 356+ new highest-temperature-on-record claims. By the measure they used, that is true. But, by the same standard of measure there were 10,000+ lowest temperature records set in 2012. Which did you hear about? Were those numbers for the year or for a month or a week? Did you know those records are all on weather stations that have only been in existance since 1947 and later? Did you know that most of the worlds highest temperature records were set in the 1930’s? …and remain unbroken to today?

Either side of the debate can spin the numbers without lying to mislead. For more information on what the facts are and what you will likely be seeing this summer check out IceCap’s Blog article: Just the facts ma’am.

How hot has Death Valley been this year? And in the past? Can we accurately compare today’s temperatures with the 100 year old high of 134°F? The answers, well really questions, are here: Anniversary of Death Valley Highest Temperature. You will start to see some of the problems climatologists deal with. You decide if today’s measurements are accurate or misleading.