Philosophy: New Climate Problems

Philosophy is one of my interests. To discuss philosophy requires good debating skills and open minded skepticism.  Both things I find those recently educated in the public school systems lack. Skepticism also needs a good measure of critical thinking ability.

Climate Emergency - Families facing Climate Change

Climate Emergency – Families facing Climate Change by Takver, on Flickr

Every so often I am moved to point out the fallacies in subjects considered by many to be truisms. Man made global warming is a wonderful subject for dividing the thinkers from the gullible.  Continue reading

Philosophy at Easter – Mean Comments

Strawberry started it… we’ll blame her… (reference) Hamlet has joined in and made a statement in: The Capricious Cruelty of Mean Anonymous Comments. I had a bit of say in: Second Life: How to Stop Mean Comments… But, we often get things all out of proportion, losing all perspective. I’ll see if I can bring some perspective to a number of related issues.

Mean Comments Meme

Mean Comments Meme by Strawberry Singh, on Flickr

First, blaming Strawberry is ridiculous, she called our attention to a human behavior I believe we need to consider. But, my first sentence is something we see too often; spin, direction, implied critique, implied wrongness of some unspecified kind… Someone writes something in jest, error, or maliciously then someone else takes it seriously, believes it true-accurate, or for their own reasons and/or agenda finds the maliciousness servers them and jumps on the wagon. Continue reading

Second Life: How to Stop Mean Comments…

I seldom see bloggers in the Second Life™ sphere tackle deep philosophical ideas. There are plenty of rants and opinions. But, I seldom see people go beyond their personal outrage or anger over something that has touched them. So, Strawberry Singh’s Mean Comments Meme was a bit of a surprise.

Secret Thoughts

Secret Thoughts by Mr S. is looking at you, on Flickr

Ms. Singh has seen Monica Lewinsky’s 20+ minute address caught by and promoted by TEDTalks. If you don’t know  TEDTalks is a part of the larger TED – Technology, Entertainment, Design – a non-profit working to promote ideas worth spreadingContinue reading

Religious Freedom

I find it quite convoluted that Progressive and Liberal politicians and reporters are fighting against a law that restricts the government from infringing on personal civil rights. Seems upside down to their stated beliefs.

"We Who Believe in Freedom Cannot Rest"

“We Who Believe in Freedom Cannot Rest” by Tony Fischer, on Flickr

If you have been listening to the news, you would think that Indiana’s law is a frontal attack on LGBT. Ridiculous. But, the uninformed seem to be so gullible the media and politicians get away with any perversion of facts.  Continue reading

Net Neutrality Reactions

Once a government agency releases new rules and regulations various people and groups that think they may be affected start to read the regs to see what they may have to do and begin preparing. How many people in Second Life bother? Even with our ToS?

'And tomorrow some strangers will be climbing up the stairs.....

=”‘And tomorrow some strangers will be climbing up the stairs….. by Caitlin ‘Caity’ Tobias, on Flickr

The American Action Forum dug out a jewel of information:

According to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) itself at least 90 percent of the businesses that will bear the burden of the new Title II (utility-style) network neutrality regulations will be small businesses. As part of doing its business, the FCC must identify the burden of new rules on small business. As it turns out, 20,640 companies will be affected, ranging from “Broadband Internet Access Service Providers supplied over client supplied connections” (1,274), to “Wireless Telecommunications Carriers” (1,383), to “Satellite Telecommunications Providers” (570), “Cable and Other Program Distributors” (2,048), and so forth.

The site American Action Forum has a number of articles explaining the details of Net Neutrality. The short take is there will be fewer ISP’s and that always means higher prices and worse service.

Net Neutrality Update 2015 Week  13

The FCC has published the new rules they plan to implement. We have seen this routine before. We have history to tell us what is going to happen. It is not going to be pretty.

History and art mix in this case to predict the likely future if Net Neutrality stands. Even former supporters are lining up to fight it.

The history is the history of railroads and government regulation of them in America under laws VERY similar and in some cases the same laws and goals stated for Net Neutrality. The art is from a book written by Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged (published 1957). Many discount her book as the ravings of an ultra-conservative pro free market advocate. Few realize she spent years researching what she wrote about the railroads and laws of the day. Many are told she was pro-big-business. She was pro entrepreneur and free market.

When she completed her book that used railroads as a major element in the story she sent the manuscript to a ‘railroad expert’ of the day. She wanted an accuracy check. After reading the manuscript the expert asked her, “Do you realize all the laws and directives you invented are on our statute books already?”  Continue reading

Source of Creativity?

I know some people are way creative and others way less so. A new study from Northwest University may give us clues to what makes one person more creative than another.

See: Creative Genius Driven by Distraction

Lobby Cam oil painting

Lobby Cam oil painting by Bryn Oh, on Flickr

The hypothesis suggested by the research is creative people have trouble filtering out distractions. I suppose a noisy and chaotic environment would be the most common distraction. But any irrelevant sensory information could provide the distraction. Continue reading

Coming Back: Alternative Schools

We are hearing more and more about the financial burden students face after graduation. The government under Pres. Obama’s direction, pen and phone in hand, has attempted to alleviate the problem. Instead it is adding to the national debit (+5%) and student debit is increasing ($1.2+trillion).

oyasumi / blackboard&corkboard&postbox @ Xiasumi School Festival

Xiasumi School Festival by Kenzo Gateaux / oyasumi, on Flickr

Few people realize the new Obama student debt plan aggravates the problems. You can see the trend in a document by the Institute for College Access & Success. A small problem has turned into one too big to fail… and we tax payers are on the hook for the money. Obama guaranteed the bank loans (90% are now government backed). This is expected by numerous authorities to cost tax payers hundreds of billions per year. To learn more about what was actually done and is happening see: Heritage FoundationContinue reading