Second Life News Bits 2019 Week #28

General News

Linden Homes – Patch Linden warned the community that the Lab has throttled the ‘Homes Page’. In this case ‘throttled’ means there is now a limit on how often you can refresh the page. Refresh too often and you get a timeout. The server simply refuses to send you a copy of the page.

People are refreshing the page to catch the near daily release of Bellisseria homes. It is bad enough when people sit there poking the F5 and Ctrl-F5 keys. What seems to have become intolerable is the use of automation to do the refreshing. There are browser plug-ins that automate the task. Who knew?

Between all the interested people and the few resorting to automation the web servers are overloading. Thus, the throttle.



Sansar was the chosen platform for Monstercat’s eighth birthday celebration as a LIVE VR performance. For details about the July 12 event see Call of the Wild: An Upcoming VR Live Music Performance Created by Sansar and Monstercat

I think this announcement begs the question of whether people are learning about Sansar or the Lab is marketing Sansar well.

Hair Fair – This classic Second Life event is a little over a month away, starting August 17th, 2019.

Event management is asking the community help by creating Bandanas to be sold during the event and to round out the event the last day is the official Bandana Day.

Visit the website Hair Fair 2019 for details.

Hangers Liquides – This 5-region cyberpunk area around since 2007 looks to be closing. Hamlet has details. See Second Life’s Most Acclaimed Cyberpunk City Will Disappear This Month

Forum Angels – This is an SL in-world group made for the fashion-conscious AVs who hang out on the Forum. You find them in the Vanity Threads How Does Your Avatar Look Today and The VaNiTy ThReAd.

Wendy of Peanut No9 OpenCollar has a video on creating RLV outfits. You’ll find it on the OC Manual’s RLV Folders ‘OUTFITS’ page.


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