We have known for a short time that a revised Market Place tool is coming to Second Life™. Yesterday the Lab posted that they have a Beta Version running in ADITI, the preview grid. The announcement is here: Viewer-Managed Marketplace Available on Aditi. (VMM)
There is a JIRA Project for reporting bugs and requesting features. More information on using the new Market Place is available here: VMM Beta Knowledge Base.
The Merchant Outbox is out. We will now have a new management tool that opens from within our Inventory panel.
If you’re like me you are wondering how this affects existing items we have in the market place. According to the KB there is a way to migrate listings in the Market Place to the new system. It appears we are basically finding the UUID, or some kind of ID, of an existing listing in the Market Place and matching it to a folder in our inventory.
For information on how all this works, see the KB article.