Vivienne Daguerre mentioned that today Designing Worlds was having a show on the Future of Second Life or that is what I understood. I decided I had time to stop by and see what they had to say. But, they were recording a show. So, 5+ hours later it was done. Interesting experience.
The result will be two one hour shows. Originally planned for one show, but there was so much interesting stuff the one show grew into two. This is an excellent discussion.
If you haven’t been around for a recording at Designing Worlds, I’ll tell you it is way more fun than just watching the finished product. They were having fun, making mistakes, laughing, and joking. Most of which I suspect will get cut. But, then there were the microphone problems from JJ’s system that nearly deafened us all. Those need to be cut.
I’m not going to go over what is in the show. No spoiler. Watch it when it comes out. I will tell you there is no really new news regarding SL2. There is some new information on SL1. It is the depth of the discussion that makes this worth watching. it is amazing and the viewpoints are diverse. From this show I think you will get more insight into what is going on and what people are planning for than anything else I have seen.
I’ll post when the shows are posted.