Lots of news happening this morning. Some viewer related news came out in the Mesh Meeting. For those that have been trying to upload mesh with the new viewer and OpenGL fixed viewers news hits on what the problem is.
SH-2595 – Upload menu won’t calculate fees. This problem blocks your ability to upload. Models that would previously upload will not work. Prep Linden has posted in the JIRA thread. It seems there was a fix and it got lost not making it into a merge. However the fix is in the Development viewer.
Vir Linden says several issues have been addressed in the Development Viewers. Runitai Linden suggests trying viewer version 243698.
It seems there are some triangle order inconsistencies in Collada files. The SL upload is trying to compensate for the variable order in the Collada file.
Runitai also said, “The set of material IDs between LoDs has to either match or have no intersection.” Runitai is going to give us more information in the JIRA on what the viewer needs.
Mesh Volunteers Group
If you have tried to post in this group you have probably found it frustrating. It is certainly the worst performing group in my collection of groups. Charlar is going to look at it today. It may just be too large, too many members.
OpenGL Issues
Many people have been having problems with the new viewers using mesh render. The problems even extend into the Third Party Viewers (TPV). Work is ongoing and OpenGL 3 is coming. The changes have not yet reached the main viewer or the TPV’s.
There is a project viewer for OpenGL, the OpenGL Dev Viewer. This links to the latest build. If you hit an in progress error, click the PREVIOUS version button.
The current build along with nVidia 280 to 285 drivers is fixing problems for those using nVidia.
Dave says the thing keeping these fixes from merging into the main viewer are some issues on the Mac. Some black screen problems.
User Interface Changes
UI changes are a pain for those making tutorials. Yuzuru asked how the UI changes will affect the mesh upload panel. Charlar says it is very unlikely the mesh upload panel will change in the UI changes. At least there are no plans to change it from the panel seen in the Development viewers.
Mesh Alpha
Alpha layering is handled differently in attachments and rezzed objects. Imaze provide an example of some parts of attached mesh going transparent. A detach/attach corrected the problem. But, tp’ing or crossing region boundaries recreates the problem. I think she is working on a JIRA and doing more testing.
Summing It Up
The mesh meeting was short and the topics are wondering a bit. Not a lot to talk about. Whatever is coming in Mesh 2 is not even hinted at.