I remember Robin from when I was first learning about Second Life and how to build and texture things. She now has a new 3 part video tutorial out. These tutorials are nice because she starts at the beginning and explains all the basic concepts of how mesh objects work in SL. I think these are the best tutorials for anyone getting started that has never used a 3D modeling program.
Inara Pey posted the tutorials on her blog in: Mesh in SL: a tutorial by Robin Sojourner.
You can find other Sojourner tutorials listed on her Wiki User Profile.
If you are considering a wiki profile check out my: Second Life Users and Micro Bloggers.
Everyone should have Robin’s sim, Livingtree, in their LMs. Home of her Texture Tutorials and her store, where you can get the best “basic jeans” in SL. It is a LM I pass on to all newbies.