Second Life News 2014-42 #2

Not much new from the Lindens today.


As planned the main channel did not get a roll out. There were no packages on the RC channels, so there was nothing to roll out.


RC Channels

This Wednesday the RC channels a got a new package.

Blue Steel and Snack are now both running the CDN (Content Delivery Network) change. This adds a good number of regions to the test group. I have a Blue Steel region list at the end of the article.

Le Tigre and Magnum got a package with crash fix and a back end improvement in the Abuse Reporting pipeline.  Continue reading Second Life News 2014-42 #2

Second Life News 2013-29 #2

Dagger Faulkwing alerted me to a change in the RC roll outs.  Maestro posted a change on the 16th about 3:30 PM PDT. It seems they will place the SSA package on the Magnum channel as originally planned rather than leave it on the Le Tigre channel.

It was originally planned to move the SSA package to the larger Magnum channel (2,454 – Le Tigre: 1,431). Using a larger channel would give the Lindens more information on how the SSA servers are handling appearance baking loads. In this case about twice as many regions.

Continue reading Second Life News 2013-29 #2

Le Tigre Regions List

KarenMichelle Lane posted a list of the Le Tigre regions in this week’s Deploys thread. You can find it here.

Le Tigre is the Release Candidate channel that has SSA enabled. If you’re in one of those regions and have an old viewer, you will be so gray…

If you find problems, see if they are reproducible. If so, file a JIRA. …ummmm… make sure you wait for the rollout to compete before looking for problems.

Also, the list of regions changes. Expect this one to slowly go out of date.