Blue Steel Regions List
RC BlueSteel (n= 991) | ||
2hearts | Gidzenko | Oehler |
Abandoned | Gift of Love | Oggy |
Aberhart | Giorna Kel | Okey Breedables |
Achlya | Giyeok | Oligoma |
Acretia | Glansdale | Olympus Lightning |
Adryft | Glenmore | Ominor |
Aglia | Glirm | Onchiar |
AgriCulture | Gloaming Vale | Opal Oasis |
Al Tang | Glockenspiel | Or |
Alcis | Goanna | Orcus |
Aldebaran | Goguryeo | Osbourne Walk |
Algira | Goldbach | Oshima |
Alice | Golden Water | Otaki Gorge |
Almourol | Gonville | Ottewell |
Altman | Goobert | Oud Holland |
Alyve | Gordon | Oval Island |
Amaro | Gormthoog | Oxitage |
AMdis | Goryeo | Packsaddle |
Amondeu | Gothlauth | Pak |
Amydria | Gown | Paltiete |
Anarchotopia | Grand Pulse | Pandit |
Andretti | Grandview | Paperweight |
Android | Grass | Paradise Resort |
Anma | Gray | Parce |
Anton | Grayson | Paris Couture |
Aotearoa | Great Escape | Park |
Aphexx Island | Green Goblin | Paroo |
Aphrodisiac | Greenware | Patagonia |
Aplus | Greymyst Estates | Peach |
Applewood | Greymyst Estates III | Pearl |
Apukohai | Grignano | Peeley |
Aqua | Grolphook | Peerskill |
Arancione | Grossglockner | Pennyroyal |
Arang | Grunther | Perelman |
Arapaima | Grym | Perla |
Araruama Brasil | Gualdo | Pesok |
Archan | Gubby | Petunova |
Archon | Guillarme | Phantom Island |
Arcobluster | Gundeulbawe | Phasic Foo |
Ardney | Gunfunk | Phlarzo |
Ariantica | Guthrum | Phobos |
Armageddon Island | Gwail | Phyllira |
Armageddon Lands | Gyeonu | Picado |
Armon Gill | Habita | Picus |
Arrowtown | Hadong | Pierce |
Asella | Hae An | Pinechapel |
Ashmorn | Haebyon | Pinecrest |
Astylus | Haemosu | Pinkwater |
Atropos | Haenim | Pisharati |
Audeburgh | Haetae | Pithlit |
Aurora Vale | Hallasan | Planck |
Autumn Island | Halsey Island | Platja de Raco |
Avari Cove | Hamartiology | Plebeja |
Avery | Hambledon Cove | Plum |
Avignon | Hamlet | Poesie |
Awesome | Hanbok | Polashka |
Axenfall | Hang Gu | Polim |
Badly Moor | Hangflame Ridge | Polyakov |
Baechu | Hanley | Ponchau |
Baedal | Harrowblight | Portage Bay |
Baekdu | Hartley | Porthos |
Baekga | Hathian | Preston |
Baekje | Hatton | Primrose |
Baern | Haviland Hills | Prohibition |
Bahamas | Hawking Hartle | Promises |
Bandicoot | Heart Dragon Island | Prunariu |
Banior Bahoozamoth | Hedwigs Hollow | Pryeri |
Banneker | Heirsoy | Publius |
Banyaga | Helms Haven | Puccini |
Barcola | Henker | Pueulla |
Batchelor | Henrys Croft | Puzo |
Bau Tessle | Highflower | Quadrae |
Bay City – Morton | Hillhurst | Querqua |
Bay City – Rollers | Hiltrude | Radar |
Bay of Surreality | Hipparchus | Raduccieri |
Bay Point Shores | Hippo Hollow | Ragdoll |
Baylors Haunt | Hippoden | Rainbow Park Island |
BayShore Heights | Hirame | Raindown |
Beautiful Sin | Hite | Ramanujan |
BEAUTY DREAMS | Hiwa | Rannels |
Beerburrum | Hobak | Raon |
Before Dawn | Hofzinser | Ratcatchers Hide |
Begemot | Holo | Ravenbrook |
Behemoth | Homerlone | Reanta |
Bellobas | Homeworld | Red Snapper |
Benicia | Horton | Redspire |
Bennafield | Hotei | Refugio |
Berard | Howelsen | Reggiano |
Besiope | Hubble | Rekall |
Best | Huin | Resnik |
Best Skin | Huk | Resol |
Beta Antares Sector | Hulopoe Island | Resort |
Biernu | Hundertwasser | Reublin |
Bietschhorn | Hunters XIX | Reverie |
Bitter Bunnie Designs | Hunters XV | Reydiant |
Black Art | Hunters XVI | Rhead |
Black Cat | Huntingdon | Rideau |
Black Spot | Hydrangea | Riemann |
Blackfoot | Hydro | Rimutaka Park |
Blackiston | Hyeonmoo | Risoul |
Blacklisted | Hyojong | Riverchapel |
Blackmount | Hyperus | Rixendale |
Blackrose Castle | Hyun | Rockcliffe Sandbox |
Blanda | Iaconelli | Romanenko |
Bleerslaw | Icarus Clouds | Rose Hall |
Blue | Ichoen | Rowling |
Blue Heron Beach | Idia | Royal Chase |
Blue Wave | Ilgop | Rua |
Boa Dream Beach | Ilithyia | Rubberpups Realm |
Boardman | Immaculate | Rundlelawn |
Bobbintail | Immensa | Rust Spot |
Boksik | Immortal Outlaws | Rustic |
Bolsena | Imolarto | Sage |
Bombyx | Imona | Saint LaCrouix |
Bonaire Isles | Incubus | Salacious Crumb |
Bonaire34 | Innamincka | Saladin |
Bondar | Inquestor | Salporin |
Bonifacio | Irkutsk | Samrat |
Boobero | Ischel | Sandbox Goguen |
Borgatti | Isla Margarita | Sandbox Island |
Boscombe | Isle of Gortuga | Sandbox Island (TG) |
BoShek | Ivory SandsYourHOME | Sandbox Island Extension |
Bottenford | Iwaki | Sandbox Newcomb |
Boudoir Isle | Jade Kitty | Sandbox Wanderton |
Bouraq | Jael | Saphira |
Bourne | Jameed | Sarcee |
Brazos | Janszoon | Sarpesi |
Brighton | Jaskowski | Savannah |
Brithys | Jemmica | Sawya |
Broken Rose | Jennilee | Scar |
Brolga | Jeonbuk | Schelton |
Brussel | Jeulmun | Schirra |
Bukhansan | Jingyo | Schoomere |
Burnaby | Jonquil | Sciello |
Busby | Juho | Scimitar |
Buyeo | Juletardo | Searfoss |
Caberfae | Junapel | Sedge |
Cabria | Junlong | Selenia |
Cadborosaurus | Jwander | Seneca |
Caernhoe | Kaeleer dAlliez | Seogwipo |
Cairnlow | Kamet | Seoraksan |
Cajeiri | Kane | Seosan |
Camden | Kanes Project | Serena Cormoran |
Campbell Plateau | Kaolin | Serena Long Cay |
Cannon | Karoastoff | Serena South Bluff |
Caprica | Katipo | Sesia |
Caracas | Kayaboshi | Seyfert |
Caragana | Kazuhisa | Seymour |
Cardew | Kelham | Shareta Heights |
Carnapt | Kendrew | Shareta Heights Garden |
Carroll | Kenophobe | Sheershank |
Cartier Isle | Kerala | Shepard |
Cassia | Keuka | Shepherd |
Cassidy | Khanada | SHINONOME |
Caste | Kings Cross | Shipley |
Castelo | Kinstall Hill | Shoals dAlliez |
Castiglia | Kira | Shokala |
Cecropia | Kita | Shoki |
Celadon | Kitster | Silent Running |
Century Isles | KittyCats | Siliconicus |
Cerura | Klebb | Silvercreek |
Chained Isle | Klinger | Silverwood |
Chamotte | Knightlyrose | Simcoe |
Changes | Koko | Simtalis |
Chantilly | Koozebane | Sinuiju |
Chapala | Korat | Six Minute Hill |
Chartreux | Korzun | Skibbereen |
Chasseforet | Kouhun | Skonber |
Chattilion | Kreisel | Skutter |
Cheosan | Kuiper Belt | Skyridge |
Chieut | Kumho | Sleepover |
Chinhae | Kunisada | Sliderule |
Chishonganiro | Kusanagi | Slithert |
Choi | Kussiland | Slosser |
Chokki | Kuwol | Smartie |
Chongno | Kyung | Smelton Hollow |
Chub | La Arena | Snowshoe |
CIERRA Island | La Boniquita | Sociaria |
Cimarac | Lady Vale | Solchan |
Cisthene | Laffoon | Somerset |
Clare | Laguna Island | Sonata |
Clearwing | Landres | Sonyo |
Clewis | Langholm | Soundsation |
Cloudville | Laothoe | Soyeonpyeongdo |
Cloz | Lars Continuum | Sparkle Paradise |
Coffee Elite | Larsson | Spidermouse |
Cohen | Laserlight | Spini |
Cold Breeze | Lasombra | Spinolds Flat |
Combat (sandbox) Rausch | Laugier | Stamper |
Comporellon | Laveykin | Starborn |
Coniston | LaVie | StarRider |
Constellation | Leening | StarRider II |
Copperfield | Leif | Steerboot |
Coral Heights | Lembeck | Stepan |
Corchalo | Lenimov | Stewart |
Cotton Cay | Les Reves | Stjerneskud |
Courage | Leximus | Stokhof |
Coverdale | Lida | Stonewall |
Craggen Maw | Lilie Island | Succubus |
Crayfish | Lill Burn Valley | Sugarloaf |
Cresent Cove | Lilypad | Sunraisia |
Crocodile Smile | Limantine | Sunshine Bay |
Cryphia | Liwei | Sunshine Oasis |
Crystalized | Loan | Sunspot |
Cyclonium | Lobo | Sunwi Do |
Cyratto | Lochness Archipelago | Surreal Green |
Dalnim | Lockjaw Isles | Surreal Orange |
DAN | Loepa | Sutherland |
Dangun | Longuns Ford | Sverdlovsk |
DANLAND | Lonoke | Swansea |
Daphnis | Lorena Yellow | Sweet Morass |
Dark Matter | Love Temptations | Sweetgrass |
Darkover | LoveCats | Sylph |
Ddalgi | LoveLa | Szenden |
De Haro | Low Dryston | Taboo Rock |
Dechene | Lucasian | Taean |
Decimo | Luce Solare | Taesot |
Deep Waters | Lumoli | Tahoe |
Defenstar | Luna | Tahoe Fields |
Degustine | Luna Soliel | Tamayo |
Deimos | Lunar Eclipse | Tammora |
Deltote | Lunula | Tamna |
Demelo | Lutaldo | Tangna |
Denflau | Lutra | Taravista |
Densi Falls | M3sh3dUp Family Homes | Tealeaf |
Deopyre | Macchu Piccu | Teegarden |
Derby | Maculata | Teista |
Derimon | Maemi | Tensel Moor |
Derran Moor | Magic Realm | Terra Nei |
Deshmo | Mago | Tethea |
Desperation Snakebite | Magoja | Tethys |
Destonia | Majistral | The Triquetra |
Devon Rex | Makkeolli | The Twilight |
Diafall | Malacosoma | Three Rivers |
Digeut | Maldo | Threlkeld |
Digix | Mallee | Thumper |
Dirac | Mangakino | Thylacine |
Distorted | Manifest | Ti Amo |
Divine Comedy | Manx | Tibor West |
Dobinson | Mapinguari | Tiergarten |
Dog Island | Marachia | Tieut |
Dombersnark | Marazul | Tihuta |
Doncastle | Marwood | Tikka |
Dongjeong | Maso Ariol | Timewind |
Dongyeongju | Mavora | Tiretta |
DoReMiFaSoL | Maxi | Tissela |
Dormillouse | McFarren | Titanic |
Dorpeth | Meadow Field | Todi |
Dosojin | Meadowcreek | Tong |
Dozer | Meari | Toothsum |
Dracose City East | Megi | Toowong |
DragonsHeart | Microcosm | Tra Mhor |
Dream Island 1 | Mikhailovna | Tranquility Bay |
Dreams dAlliez | Millipede | Tre Ponte |
Dreamworld Moon | Milopolis | Trimaxion |
Dreamy Island | Milyang | Trinidad and Tobago |
Drepana | Mineko | Troevid |
Dromund Kaas | Minna | Troilus |
Dryas | Minotaur | Trompton |
Drymonia | Miramare Bay | Trubo |
Dufaux | Mirrordeep | Trueblood |
Durango | Mitami | Tuatara |
Duryea | Mitta | Tuli |
Dyerm | Mocha | Tully High |
Eagles Bluff | Moen | Turnip |
Eastop | MoJoe | Turtle Beach |
Ebony Coast | Molay | Tuscan Hills |
Ecaz | Monema | Tustin |
Ecliptic | Monet | Tweddle |
Edgemont | Moodle | Ubatuba |
Eduisland 10 | Moon Madness | Ubunil |
Eel Bay | Moonfight | Ungnyo |
Eemsten | Moontide | Uruti Point |
Einer | Moorsby | Vacuul |
Eldervale | Mooter | Vail |
ELECTROPICA | Morabulus | Vallone |
Ellida | Moraenae | Van Daemo |
Elsa | Mordus Hall | Vardar |
Emprius | Morels | Varsity |
Enchanted Isles | Morrison | Vazquez Leo |
Enchanted Meadow | Moses | Vega |
Enchin | Mosh | Venostrate |
Ensleigh | Moss Island | Vinogradov |
Erindale | Moth | Virtual Mountain |
escort oasis | Mount Curl | Virtual Reality |
Ethmia | Mount Owen | Vishnu |
Etienne Island | Mournful | Vita Luna Republic |
Exeuxoa | Mudsucker | Vizions Ambiance |
Exxilon | Mul | von Luckner |
Fae Wilderness | Munford | Votre Paso |
Fafnir | Murinata | Waery |
Falcaria | Murray | Wallaroo |
Fall Between | Murrumbidgee | Wardroom |
Falmouth | Mya | Wasp |
Fears Trebled | Myeon | Water Tupelo |
Featherman | Myriaps | Weaverville |
Feazby | Mystagic | Web Page |
Felice | Mystical River | Weisshorn |
Felyr | Nari | Werewoof |
Fenland West | Nautilus – Bynuthi | Wetas |
Fenstriano | Nautilus – Himilco | Wetherbee |
Ferne | Nautilus – Mlachthi | Whale Cove |
Feschinimo | Nautilus – Sophonisba | WIKKED COVE |
Firmans Haven | Neva Naughty | Wilburs Gate |
Flonse Island | New Calypso | Wiles |
Flower Power | Nha Na | Wip Wyre |
Fluffy | Nieve | Witching Hour |
Foghtol | Nijole | Woiler |
Folsom Creed | Nileswarm | Wolchulsan |
Footpad | Nimitz | Wolf Walk |
Fornazzo | NMC Campus | Wolof |
Foxfield | Noether | Wombat |
Foyle Gully | Nogo San | Woolybear |
Francois | Noguchi | Wunb |
Frangipani | Noguri | Wuuvor |
Fridericus | Nokomis | Wyrd |
FRIEND 4 EVER | Nonacho | Yacumama |
Fucosa | Noru | Yamma Yamma |
Fudo | Notata | Yeodeol |
Fymatigue | Notre Paradis | Yesan |
Fyre Maven | Noul | Yeunhee |
Garak | Nove | Yosu |
Garland | Novgorod | Yreka |
Garuda | Oakland University | Zao |
GB Island | Oakworm | Zeord |
Gecko Isles | Oasis | Zerenta |
Gemmed | Obinostrix | Zhora |
Geoffroy | Ocstus | Zodiac |
Geoje | Odaesan | Zolezzi |
Ghoel | Odi Freddi | Zygaena |
Gibson |
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You misread me: the inventory system is *not* using pipelining in the new viewer-drano branch; it is however using the llcorehttp library, which is a super-layer for libcurl and implements keep-alives, auto-retries, etc (so it’s still a significant improvement in itself).
The speed increase is mainly due to the relaxing of a hard-coded bandwidth limitation (0.5s delay between each bunched HTTP requests for background inventory fetches, which is now lowered to 0.05s), which dates back from the HTTP inventory implementation in v2 viewers and for which LL apparently lost track about the motivation behind it (but I can easily guess it was to avoid loading too much the inventory server database and make the load related with the HTTP fetches similar to the one imposed by UDP fetches).
Pipelining, from Monty’s own comment in viewer-drano, cannot be used with inventory fetches (due to a libcurl limitation).
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