Second Life News 2014-42 #2

Blue Steel Regions List

RC BlueSteel (n= 991)
2hearts Gidzenko Oehler
Abandoned Gift of Love Oggy
Aberhart Giorna Kel Okey Breedables
Achlya Giyeok Oligoma
Acretia Glansdale Olympus Lightning
Adryft Glenmore Ominor
Aglia Glirm Onchiar
AgriCulture Gloaming Vale Opal Oasis
Al Tang Glockenspiel Or
Alcis Goanna Orcus
Aldebaran Goguryeo Osbourne Walk
Algira Goldbach Oshima
Alice Golden Water Otaki Gorge
Almourol Gonville Ottewell
Altman Goobert Oud Holland
Alyve Gordon Oval Island
Amaro Gormthoog Oxitage
AMdis Goryeo Packsaddle
Amondeu Gothlauth Pak
Amydria Gown Paltiete
Anarchotopia Grand Pulse Pandit
Andretti Grandview Paperweight
Android Grass Paradise Resort
Anma Gray Parce
Anton Grayson Paris Couture
Aotearoa Great Escape Park
Aphexx Island Green Goblin Paroo
Aphrodisiac Greenware Patagonia
Aplus Greymyst Estates Peach
Applewood Greymyst Estates III Pearl
Apukohai Grignano Peeley
Aqua Grolphook Peerskill
Arancione Grossglockner Pennyroyal
Arang Grunther Perelman
Arapaima Grym Perla
Araruama Brasil Gualdo Pesok
Archan Gubby Petunova
Archon Guillarme Phantom Island
Arcobluster Gundeulbawe Phasic Foo
Ardney Gunfunk Phlarzo
Ariantica Guthrum Phobos
Armageddon Island Gwail Phyllira
Armageddon Lands Gyeonu Picado
Armon Gill Habita Picus
Arrowtown Hadong Pierce
Asella Hae An Pinechapel
Ashmorn Haebyon Pinecrest
Astylus Haemosu Pinkwater
Atropos Haenim Pisharati
Audeburgh Haetae Pithlit
Aurora Vale Hallasan Planck
Autumn Island Halsey Island Platja de Raco
Avari Cove Hamartiology Plebeja
Avery Hambledon Cove Plum
Avignon Hamlet Poesie
Awesome Hanbok Polashka
Axenfall Hang Gu Polim
Badly Moor Hangflame Ridge Polyakov
Baechu Hanley Ponchau
Baedal Harrowblight Portage Bay
Baekdu Hartley Porthos
Baekga Hathian Preston
Baekje Hatton Primrose
Baern Haviland Hills Prohibition
Bahamas Hawking Hartle Promises
Bandicoot Heart Dragon Island Prunariu
Banior Bahoozamoth Hedwigs Hollow Pryeri
Banneker Heirsoy Publius
Banyaga Helms Haven Puccini
Barcola Henker Pueulla
Batchelor Henrys Croft Puzo
Bau Tessle Highflower Quadrae
Bay City – Morton Hillhurst Querqua
Bay City – Rollers Hiltrude Radar
Bay of Surreality Hipparchus Raduccieri
Bay Point Shores Hippo Hollow Ragdoll
Baylors Haunt Hippoden Rainbow Park Island
BayShore Heights Hirame Raindown
Beautiful Sin Hite Ramanujan
Beerburrum Hobak Raon
Before Dawn Hofzinser Ratcatchers Hide
Begemot Holo Ravenbrook
Behemoth Homerlone Reanta
Bellobas Homeworld Red Snapper
Benicia Horton Redspire
Bennafield Hotei Refugio
Berard Howelsen Reggiano
Besiope Hubble Rekall
Best Huin Resnik
Best Skin Huk Resol
Beta Antares Sector Hulopoe Island Resort
Biernu Hundertwasser Reublin
Bietschhorn Hunters XIX Reverie
Bitter Bunnie Designs Hunters XV Reydiant
Black Art Hunters XVI Rhead
Black Cat Huntingdon Rideau
Black Spot Hydrangea Riemann
Blackfoot Hydro Rimutaka Park
Blackiston Hyeonmoo Risoul
Blacklisted Hyojong Riverchapel
Blackmount Hyperus Rixendale
Blackrose Castle Hyun Rockcliffe Sandbox
Blanda Iaconelli Romanenko
Bleerslaw Icarus Clouds Rose Hall
Blue Ichoen Rowling
Blue Heron Beach Idia Royal Chase
Blue Wave Ilgop Rua
Boa Dream Beach Ilithyia Rubberpups Realm
Boardman Immaculate Rundlelawn
Bobbintail Immensa Rust Spot
Boksik Immortal Outlaws Rustic
Bolsena Imolarto Sage
Bombyx Imona Saint LaCrouix
Bonaire Isles Incubus Salacious Crumb
Bonaire34 Innamincka Saladin
Bondar Inquestor Salporin
Bonifacio Irkutsk Samrat
Boobero Ischel Sandbox Goguen
Borgatti Isla Margarita Sandbox Island
Boscombe Isle of Gortuga Sandbox Island (TG)
BoShek Ivory SandsYourHOME Sandbox Island Extension
Bottenford Iwaki Sandbox Newcomb
Boudoir Isle Jade Kitty Sandbox Wanderton
Bouraq Jael Saphira
Bourne Jameed Sarcee
Brazos Janszoon Sarpesi
Brighton Jaskowski Savannah
Brithys Jemmica Sawya
Broken Rose Jennilee Scar
Brolga Jeonbuk Schelton
Brussel Jeulmun Schirra
Bukhansan Jingyo Schoomere
Burnaby Jonquil Sciello
Busby Juho Scimitar
Buyeo Juletardo Searfoss
Caberfae Junapel Sedge
Cabria Junlong Selenia
Cadborosaurus Jwander Seneca
Caernhoe Kaeleer dAlliez Seogwipo
Cairnlow Kamet Seoraksan
Cajeiri Kane Seosan
Camden Kanes Project Serena Cormoran
Campbell Plateau Kaolin Serena Long Cay
Cannon Karoastoff Serena South Bluff
Caprica Katipo Sesia
Caracas Kayaboshi Seyfert
Caragana Kazuhisa Seymour
Cardew Kelham Shareta Heights
Carnapt Kendrew Shareta Heights Garden
Carroll Kenophobe Sheershank
Cartier Isle Kerala Shepard
Cassia Keuka Shepherd
Cassidy Khanada SHINONOME
Caste Kings Cross Shipley
Castelo Kinstall Hill Shoals dAlliez
Castiglia Kira Shokala
Cecropia Kita Shoki
Celadon Kitster Silent Running
Century Isles KittyCats Siliconicus
Cerura Klebb Silvercreek
Chained Isle Klinger Silverwood
Chamotte Knightlyrose Simcoe
Changes Koko Simtalis
Chantilly Koozebane Sinuiju
Chapala Korat Six Minute Hill
Chartreux Korzun Skibbereen
Chasseforet Kouhun Skonber
Chattilion Kreisel Skutter
Cheosan Kuiper Belt Skyridge
Chieut Kumho Sleepover
Chinhae Kunisada Sliderule
Chishonganiro Kusanagi Slithert
Choi Kussiland Slosser
Chokki Kuwol Smartie
Chongno Kyung Smelton Hollow
Chub La Arena Snowshoe
CIERRA Island La Boniquita Sociaria
Cimarac Lady Vale Solchan
Cisthene Laffoon Somerset
Clare Laguna Island Sonata
Clearwing Landres Sonyo
Clewis Langholm Soundsation
Cloudville Laothoe Soyeonpyeongdo
Cloz Lars Continuum Sparkle Paradise
Coffee Elite Larsson Spidermouse
Cohen Laserlight Spini
Cold Breeze Lasombra Spinolds Flat
Combat (sandbox) Rausch Laugier Stamper
Comporellon Laveykin Starborn
Coniston LaVie StarRider
Constellation Leening StarRider II
Copperfield Leif Steerboot
Coral Heights Lembeck Stepan
Corchalo Lenimov Stewart
Cotton Cay Les Reves Stjerneskud
Courage Leximus Stokhof
Coverdale Lida Stonewall
Craggen Maw Lilie Island Succubus
Crayfish Lill Burn Valley Sugarloaf
Cresent Cove Lilypad Sunraisia
Crocodile Smile Limantine Sunshine Bay
Cryphia Liwei Sunshine Oasis
Crystalized Loan Sunspot
Cyclonium Lobo Sunwi Do
Cyratto Lochness Archipelago Surreal Green
Dalnim Lockjaw Isles Surreal Orange
DAN Loepa Sutherland
Dangun Longuns Ford Sverdlovsk
DANLAND Lonoke Swansea
Daphnis Lorena Yellow Sweet Morass
Dark Matter Love Temptations Sweetgrass
Darkover LoveCats Sylph
Ddalgi LoveLa Szenden
De Haro Low Dryston Taboo Rock
Dechene Lucasian Taean
Decimo Luce Solare Taesot
Deep Waters Lumoli Tahoe
Defenstar Luna Tahoe Fields
Degustine Luna Soliel Tamayo
Deimos Lunar Eclipse Tammora
Deltote Lunula Tamna
Demelo Lutaldo Tangna
Denflau Lutra Taravista
Densi Falls M3sh3dUp Family Homes Tealeaf
Deopyre Macchu Piccu Teegarden
Derby Maculata Teista
Derimon Maemi Tensel Moor
Derran Moor Magic Realm Terra Nei
Deshmo Mago Tethea
Desperation Snakebite Magoja Tethys
Destonia Majistral The Triquetra
Devon Rex Makkeolli The Twilight
Diafall Malacosoma Three Rivers
Digeut Maldo Threlkeld
Digix Mallee Thumper
Dirac Mangakino Thylacine
Distorted Manifest Ti Amo
Divine Comedy Manx Tibor West
Dobinson Mapinguari Tiergarten
Dog Island Marachia Tieut
Dombersnark Marazul Tihuta
Doncastle Marwood Tikka
Dongjeong Maso Ariol Timewind
Dongyeongju Mavora Tiretta
DoReMiFaSoL Maxi Tissela
Dormillouse McFarren Titanic
Dorpeth Meadow Field Todi
Dosojin Meadowcreek Tong
Dozer Meari Toothsum
Dracose City East Megi Toowong
DragonsHeart Microcosm Tra Mhor
Dream Island 1 Mikhailovna Tranquility Bay
Dreams dAlliez Millipede Tre Ponte
Dreamworld Moon Milopolis Trimaxion
Dreamy Island Milyang Trinidad and Tobago
Drepana Mineko Troevid
Dromund Kaas Minna Troilus
Dryas Minotaur Trompton
Drymonia Miramare Bay Trubo
Dufaux Mirrordeep Trueblood
Durango Mitami Tuatara
Duryea Mitta Tuli
Dyerm Mocha Tully High
Eagles Bluff Moen Turnip
Eastop MoJoe Turtle Beach
Ebony Coast Molay Tuscan Hills
Ecaz Monema Tustin
Ecliptic Monet Tweddle
Edgemont Moodle Ubatuba
Eduisland 10 Moon Madness Ubunil
Eel Bay Moonfight Ungnyo
Eemsten Moontide Uruti Point
Einer Moorsby Vacuul
Eldervale Mooter Vail
ELECTROPICA Morabulus Vallone
Ellida Moraenae Van Daemo
Elsa Mordus Hall Vardar
Emprius Morels Varsity
Enchanted Isles Morrison Vazquez Leo
Enchanted Meadow Moses Vega
Enchin Mosh Venostrate
Ensleigh Moss Island Vinogradov
Erindale Moth Virtual Mountain
escort oasis Mount Curl Virtual Reality
Ethmia Mount Owen Vishnu
Etienne Island Mournful Vita Luna Republic
Exeuxoa Mudsucker Vizions Ambiance
Exxilon Mul von Luckner
Fae Wilderness Munford Votre Paso
Fafnir Murinata Waery
Falcaria Murray Wallaroo
Fall Between Murrumbidgee Wardroom
Falmouth Mya Wasp
Fears Trebled Myeon Water Tupelo
Featherman Myriaps Weaverville
Feazby Mystagic Web Page
Felice Mystical River Weisshorn
Felyr Nari Werewoof
Fenland West Nautilus – Bynuthi Wetas
Fenstriano Nautilus – Himilco Wetherbee
Ferne Nautilus – Mlachthi Whale Cove
Feschinimo Nautilus – Sophonisba WIKKED COVE
Firmans Haven Neva Naughty Wilburs Gate
Flonse Island New Calypso Wiles
Flower Power Nha Na Wip Wyre
Fluffy Nieve Witching Hour
Foghtol Nijole Woiler
Folsom Creed Nileswarm Wolchulsan
Footpad Nimitz Wolf Walk
Fornazzo NMC Campus Wolof
Foxfield Noether Wombat
Foyle Gully Nogo San Woolybear
Francois Noguchi Wunb
Frangipani Noguri Wuuvor
Fridericus Nokomis Wyrd
FRIEND 4 EVER Nonacho Yacumama
Fucosa Noru Yamma Yamma
Fudo Notata Yeodeol
Fymatigue Notre Paradis Yesan
Fyre Maven Noul Yeunhee
Garak Nove Yosu
Garland Novgorod Yreka
Garuda Oakland University Zao
GB Island Oakworm Zeord
Gecko Isles Oasis Zerenta
Gemmed Obinostrix Zhora
Geoffroy Ocstus Zodiac
Geoje Odaesan Zolezzi
Ghoel Odi Freddi Zygaena


2 thoughts on “Second Life News 2014-42 #2

  1. You misread me: the inventory system is *not* using pipelining in the new viewer-drano branch; it is however using the llcorehttp library, which is a super-layer for libcurl and implements keep-alives, auto-retries, etc (so it’s still a significant improvement in itself).

    The speed increase is mainly due to the relaxing of a hard-coded bandwidth limitation (0.5s delay between each bunched HTTP requests for background inventory fetches, which is now lowered to 0.05s), which dates back from the HTTP inventory implementation in v2 viewers and for which LL apparently lost track about the motivation behind it (but I can easily guess it was to avoid loading too much the inventory server database and make the load related with the HTTP fetches similar to the one imposed by UDP fetches).

    Pipelining, from Monty’s own comment in viewer-drano, cannot be used with inventory fetches (due to a libcurl limitation).

  2. Pingback: Second Life News Bits 2014-43 | Nalates' Things & Stuff

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