What is Net Neutrality in 2017?

Ciaran Laval is on about Net Neutrality and the coming December 14th meeting of the FCC. Ciaran buys into to the mainstream media viewpoint things are getting worse with the pending rules change. I see it the other way. I take a long view and consider the principals that debatably created the greatest economic engine in history, the free market.

Cave Mushrooms

Cave Mushrooms

Ciaran sees current efforts in the FCC as something out of a “dystopian novel”. Well, if we were talking Atlas Shrugged I would agree, but we aren’t.

Quoting Ciaran,

The proposal is not consumer friendly, and consumers are letting the FCC know that. The proposal is not being welcomed by many tech companies and is a glaring example of how officials ignore consumers and fail to serve the public.

Is the proposal ‘consumer friendly’ or not? The answer depends on what you know about the proposal and the principals of the free market. On a purely personal, short-term basis the uninformed will think not. A deeper understanding of the free market gives us the clue that competition is always better for the consumer. Continue reading

Internet Outage

The outage is large enough to be making national news. Amazon cloud servers went down. That affects many web sites and services like Second Life. The SL asset services depend on Amazon’s cloud, the S3 services – AFAIK.

SL login is supposedly not affected. The login servers are  in one of the Lab’s locations or on co-location hosts other than Amazon. But, once logged in you may not rez, the region may not rez completely, and your inventory may not populate.

Do NOT try to change or fix your appearance. You will likely confuse your viewer and make things worse. Do as little inventory-asset related tasks as possible.

Internet Problems?

Today my Internet service sucks. I finally restarted my gateway. That helped, but some sites remain a problem. So, I started to look at what’s up with that…

It hadn’t occurred to me but, Content Delivery Networks (CDN) are a target for hackers. I’m not sure why they choose to attack them. I wasn’t curious enough to dig up reasons. But, that they do get attacked affects our use of Second Life™, since the Lab changed over to using CDN’s.  Continue reading