New TPV on Linden List

I see that Oz Linden added the Alchemy Viewer to the Third Party Viewer list. They describe it as: An experimental Second Life™ viewer striving to be at the forefront of stability, performance, and technological advancement in the open-source metaverse viewer field.

Derivative of Henry Jose's image - Flickr

Derivative of Henry Jose’s image – Flickr

Sovereign Engineer is the lead in this viewer’s development. The blog is here. The downloads are here. The blog still lists the viewer as a beta version. There are only 32-bit versions, AFAIK.

The list of people working on the viewer is shown as:

Drake Arconis ( | Project Manager | Lead Developer
Cryo (luminous.luminos) | Linux Developer
Cinder (cinder.roxley) | Mac Developer
Lirusaito (inusaito.kanya) | Feature Fox

The blog appears to have started in June 2013. Inara did a review of the viewer in April 2014: Alchemy: cooking up a TPVContinue reading