Second Life News Week #35

I’m late getting this news out as I have been playing with my new Slink BoM version of the Physique body. I posted that article yesterday.

General News

Last Friday’s Third-Party Devs’ UG meeting lasted 30 min. Oz Linden wasn’t there and most of the usual crowd wasn’t there. Vir Linden facilitated the meeting. There was not much in the way of ‘new’ news.

Vir spoke about the BoM viewer being planned to ship Monday, which it did – 6.3.0, and the updated documentation for BoM. With the limited attendance, there was little information on when third-party viewers will adopt the feature and release BoM capable viewers. None of the FS programmers were around. So, for now, it is ‘wait and see’.

BoM Viewer Comparison

Any viewer that does not support BoM will not show avatars using BoM correctly. So, serious adoption of BoM will wait on Firestorm’s next release.

I have no doubt that a Firestorm BoM viewer is in testing, but, no one has said so. If there are no bugs found then I would expect a new release of Firestorm in the next 4 to 6 weeks, possibly sooner. The last update was about 6 weeks ago. The FS Team gets blowback if they release updates too often. It is a grouchy bunch of users on Firestorm… Yes, I do happen to use FS… So, I can’t predict what they’ll do update-wise.

New Project Viewer Musadine – This is the Animesh modify version. See below for more information.

EEP – Rider Linden did the initial work on this feature… but he says talk to Alexa for the current status. Seems there are a few graphics issues on the viewer side and one outstanding simulator side bug. Alexa will know where they are on fixing those.

The current Maintenance viewer, Umeshu (梅酒), would have promoted to the main default viewer if BoM hadn’t made it. So, we can expect it to release soon. As I mentioned in an earlier article, this version has a couple of dozen fixes. If you are having problems, especially login, check it out.

Voice fixes soon to be in RC, Oz Linden is working on the voice drop out issues. The fixes will hit RC viewer channel soon™.

Twitter – There is a viewer-to-Twitter communication problem. The Lindens are working on it. It may be fixed by the time you read this. Check Grid Status for the current state.

Slink – Slink is starting to update to BoM. There was a notecard being sent to customers. The official word wasn’t out, so I don’t want to mislead. It looks like a lot of people will be getting some upgrades that include more stuff than they have now.

[Monday 8/26 @ 16:07] SLink Resident (slink): “Because we want as many in the best options for the transition we have decided to update all previous static owners to the full dynamic purchase.

I am always so happy I bought Slink… well… there is a dress or two here and there that I can’t fit into that bums me. But not enough that I have bought Maitreya. If I think I really have to have them I can put on my bigger butt Hourglass and look all hawt.

EXPERIENCES – There is a problem with scripts in Experiences. It came up in Tuesday’s Server-Scripting UG meeting. Today (Wed as I write) I see the Grid Status is reporting:

Investigating – We are currently aware of an issue impacting Experiences. If you receive an error when attempting to use an Experience, please notify the owner. Experience owners will need to recompile and redistribute experience -enabled scripts to resolve any errors. In addition, we are actively working on additional possibilities to resolve this issue. We apologize for the disturbance.
Aug 28, 11:06 PDT


Last week’s rollouts got rolled back. The Lindens quickly saw things were going sideways and ‘unrolled’ the roll. This week the update seems to be broken into 3 versions that will hit the various channels and the problem change will be isolated and go to a small channel, cake.

Quoting Simon Linden, “… two will be on the 3 RC channels.   One will be on a 4th, much smaller set of regions. We’re being extra careful with the script improvements that caused trouble last week. The issues we found are fixed … but last week we kept uncovering more.

Things are changing in how server updates, actually all updates, are going to be reported and handled. There is a post about how things will change going forward Simulator Release Channel Improvements.

For users, the big change is the disappearance of the channel name in the viewer’s HELP->About… Which is upsetting some users. What we will see is in the channel name is Second Life Server 2019-08-23T17:54:14.530353. Previously we would see something like Second Life RC Blue Steel 2019-08-23T17:54:14.530353.

New Release Notes 8/2019 – Notice both viewer and simulator notes

The result is the average user in SL will no longer be able to tell if they are in an RC region or not. That is an intentional part of the change. Seems the Lindens have been dealing with a load of false reports from users that don’t really understand things and only supply a channel name. They get better information when people use the version ID. So… poof channel names.

Another page… link below.

5 thoughts on “Second Life News Week #35”

  1. Not sure why my comment didn’t appear when I posted before but anyway.
    there is now a version of FS in testing, so hopefully it won’t be very long before everyone has an update.

    Cool VL already has BoM built in to the viewer and has done for some time, be aware it has the old style V1 interface , like Singularity.

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