AvaStar Update 2017 w/12

New RC

AvaStar 2 RC-6 is out. You can download it from your products page. Unless you spend time watching chat in the AvaStar-Blender and AvaStar Support groups you have no idea what changed. The change log was last updated in September 2016.

Update: Gaia & Eleanora decided to change where updates to release notes/change logs are kept. Seems I kept finding the one that WASN’T updated, while there was an updated one in another place: Change Log.

my winter house

my winter house

You have to download the new release. The AvaStar update process from inside Blender is NOT for RC updates. RC updates require a manual update.

Develop Kit News

The coming Blender 2.79 will have some changes helpful to Second Life™ users. The Machinimatrix people have an article up explaining the changes. See: Limited Bind Pose Support for Blender 2.79.

The changes will help those working with SL developer kits from various mesh body makers. As Blender 2.79 is not yet released, you’ll have to find someone building it from RC code. I didn’t find it in GraphicAll.org.

Current Blender

I’ve been using Blender 2.78a. I checked today and find that Blender 2.78c is out. Download.

I also use the ZIP archive rather than the EXE install program. Using the archive allows me to have a number of Blender versions with different configurations installed.


4 thoughts on “AvaStar Update 2017 w/12

  1. please can you tell me to which change log you refer? this must be something we overlooked, some old link or so maybe? … as the change log is updated with every release we make…

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