Fitted Mesh Update 2013-48 #2

Gaia Clary posted yesterday that there is a new test version of Avastar for Fitted Mesh. This is the second release of a test version of Avastar for Fitted Mesh. (Don’t be surprised, the appearance of the site has changed.)

Imafe Uploaded with FITMESH-4

Image Uploaded with FITMESH-4

I’ve been playing with avastar-1-1-905_blender-2-64. The new release is: avastar-1-1-907_blender-2-64.

This release handles reported problems in the Second Life™ JIRA. I understand these JIRA items are readable by everyone.

FITMESH-2Discrepancy/Typo between Existing Avatar_Skeleton.XML and new Avatar_Skeleton.XML

This JIRA item has corrected files that can be used with the Fitted Mesh Viewer You will find the avatar_skeleton.xml file in folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\SecondLifeProjectFittedMesh\character

The file avatar_lad.xml is in the same folder. Both of these files can be replaced to update the viewer. These changes will likely appear in the next Fitted Mesh Viewer release. 

The FBX files in FITMESH-2 still don’t work for me. They appear to be the same as the SL versions of the files found in the wiki: Fitted Mesh. I get a mesh but no skeleton, which is what is needed.

FITMESH-4Breast Size slider does not linearly control PEC volume sizes, introduces cleavage error. Description: Per attached Image, it’s expected that the Breast size Slider should uniformly increase/decrease the LEFT_PEC and RIGHT_PEC bone sizes. however, from 0-50, this slider in fact modifies the Cleavage distance instead. Size only changes from 51-100 of the slider range.

I am assuming the behavior in Avastar has been set to be as intended rather than to replicate the mistake reported in FITMESH-4. I’ll play with the new version latter today and find out.

The viewer files attached to FITMESH-4 are the same as the FITMESH-2 files. I can’t find any difference using a file comparison utility.

Weight Painting

I want to point out again, as I point out in other articles, that entering weight painting mode requires a special selection sequence to work correctly.

  • Right click (select) the armature/skeleton
  • Set Pose Mode
  • Right click (select) the mesh you plan to work on
  • Set Weight Paint Mode

This will allow you to select bones to select weight paint groups.

If you use Selection Masking, that affects your ability to use the bones for selecting weight paint groups via bone selection depending on your version of Blender.

Blender now has version 2.69 out. It has newer features and more bug fixes. Updating is a good idea.

I still recommend using the ‘archive’ install process that uses a Blender install that comes in a ZIP file.

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