With the vanishing of Charlar Linden the Content-Mesh group was left in question. Charlar’s last words from different sources say things along the line of wasn’t fired, didn’t leave, position canceled. Speculation is he may have gotten transferred to one of the Lab’s secret projects. Or more simply his specific job was done and the contract over.
That left many of us wondering what would happen at Monday’s UG meeting. Nyx, Vir, and Runitai arrived at the meeting. Thirty or so people arrived. Nyx took over and facilitated the meeting. Thanks, Nyx.
Prior to the meeting, we saw signs posted by (owner) a Trinity Linden. See the image. Trinity has a shop in the ADITI Test Market Place. Trinity’s User Page was made in 2007. It is basically empty. Trinity has a Linden Bear, right next to Torley’s. Her feed has a picture and little else. The Profile is uninformative. Picks are empty. There are two groups, Management Training and PSTB Bridge. PSTN is about: This is an “event” group that can be used to include people who need to dial in to SL from a standard phone line. I sent an email asking what she knows about plans for the UG.
Linden Realms Tools
Vivienne Daguerre posted an agenda item: Now that Charlar is engaged elsewhere, have the Linden Realm tools beta testing plans been shelved, delayed, or will it still go ahead? Nyx’s reply was, “I don’t have visibility into that project personally, so your guess is as good as mine for now. No, tiny robots just don’t know the status of such efforts 😛” (You have to have seen Nyx’s avatar for that to make sense.)
Pathfinding Feedback
Vivienne Daguerre also added this agenda item: Is there a forum to discuss problems and issues with pathfinding on the aditi grid? I was looking for something in the forum on Pathfinding, didn’t find anything. Nyx answered, “We’re asking the team atm to let us know where feedback should be directed. I’ll post a link in the transcript if we don’t get it shortly.” Now that Trinity has removed the UG links there is no way to get to the meeting minutes…
Vir Linden suggested we contact Lorca Linden for information on how to provide feedback on Pathfinding. So, that’s what I did. I’m waiting for an answer.
Clouds and grey and blurry avatars, oh my!
This agenda item was added by Nyx. It has to do with avatars failing to rez, staying grey and/or blurry. I wrote a separate article on just on that item here: #SL Clouds, Grey, and Blurry Avatars.
Mesh Upload Error Messages
If you get error messages when uploading a mesh, you’ll know how cryptic and unhelpful they can be. The Lindens are aware of the problem. They lack the time to do much about it in the near future. This would be a good task for the Resident Dev’s.
You may not have realized that there are SL users that are programmers who are not part of third party viewer development teams. These people submit fixes for parts of the LL code. They don’t do a whole viewer thing, just parts.
I’m not sure I understand, but it seems some trusted non-Lindens have comment access to some repositories. The code still has to pass review and merge has to be approved. It’s a bit murky to me. But, it seems something like this is happening.
VWR-28413 – Cannot upload any model (*.dae) file; “xxx failed to upload, see the log file for details” – Second Life Bug Tracker. Some discussion and the Lindens are looking into it. But, there is no work around, other than try try try.
Mesh & Textures Upload
Feynt Mistral added agenda item: A question and a complaint I often see is that “Include textures” doesn’t seem to actually upload any textures and apply them, as would be expected. It’s a minor point for most, just upload separately and apply manually, but why have an option if it doesn’t do anything? Is “Include textures” supposed to upload the related textures for the model and apply them? Or does it do something else?
The textures must be in the same directory as the .dae file. The texture spec in the .dae file can include a path. So, something is not working as expected. A JIRA is being filed and the Lindens now know about the problem.