Sunshine Coming to Second Life

There is a blog announcement on the SL Blog about the Sunshine Project being rolled out. There is also a new Torley video out to show the change.

[youtube jwglL3VXI80]

As you can see the Lab is requiring a viewer update. As Torley explains the viewer, then the servers and then another viewer update will rollout.

The second Sunshine viewer update is polish, as Torley says. We know there are some glitches in the viewer that have held up the rollout of Server Side Appearance (SSA), which is a part of the Sunshine Project. The polish referred to is likely viewer side Interest List and HTTP improvements that have been in the pipeline for a time.

The actual rollout date is likely going to be influenced by the number of people updating their viewer. But, at some point, SSA will roll out no matter what the level of adoption.

At Monday’s Open Source meeting Oz commented that contributor features and fixes to the viewer were being moved into an active viewer development channel. So, I am expecting to see a number of rapid changes coming to the SL Viewer.


With a recent update this bug grew: Scripts executing ‘llRequestPermissions(agent,0)’, and expecting a run_time_permissions() event to trigger have been  ‘broken’ since 2007 (see SVC-1006), but with the update, it is now ‘broken’ for attachments and sat-upon objects in addition to other types of objects.

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