Second Life: How many Avatars can you fit in a region?

The Lindens have posted Improved Region Capacity and Access in the forum. They are raising the number of avatars a region can support. Not by a lot, but who can enter and when is changing a lot. I think for events this will be a big deal. If people actually kept up on Second Life development news, I think we would hear screams from the snowflakes.

Fireworks... when it's all over
Fireworks… when it’s all over

Once the feature is rolled to ‘your’ region owners and estate manages will be able to enter regardless of the current avatar count. OK, that makes sense to me and shouldn’t have much effect on us non-owner-manager users.  Continue reading Second Life: How many Avatars can you fit in a region?

Second Life: Buy More Prims – Private Regions

Recently the Lab gave land owners more prims, well changed the prim limits on land. Today about 10 AM (12/7 – Pearl Harbor Day) the Lab announced Land owners can buy even more prims, push the limit from 20,000 to 30,000 prims… or more accurately change their Land Impact limit for some money.


See: Upgrade Your Full Private Region to 30,000 Land Impact Today!

For a one time US$30 fee private region owners can upgrade from 20k prims to 30k prims. This also adds a monthly cost of $30 USD per region. See the Knowledge Base, Managing Private Regions – Section 5.

You request the upgrade by submitting a Help Case.

Second Life: More Prims

This morning the Lab has announced the prim limit increase for ALL regions, private regions too. See: More Prims for Everyone!

Hyde Park 2016
Hyde Park 2016

While private regions have been bumped up to 20k prims, the Lab says next week (#49) they will implement:

If 20,000 prims still isn’t enough, starting sometime next week, Private Region owners will have the option to upgrade to a total of 30,000 Land Impact limit – more details coming soon!

Word is there will be a charge for the addition prims above 20k. Until the Lab releases the feature and tells us we are all speculating on the cost. Even what the Lindens have told us it is likely to be is not yet cast in concrete.