I haven’t updated the server/viewer information since week #1. Blame bacteria, I do.
This week the main channel got a server update. The RC channels run the same package, no new package.
This package has these changes:
- Partially fixes BUG-3286 “Can’t move object” fail notifications
- Fixes pending for regions/objects with longer names
- Enhanced logging
- Minor internal server enhancements
Second Life Maintenance Viewer version – The version has updated from This version has some nice fixes; changes to Abuse Reporting, the Appearance tabs are sticky from session to session, the Pay floater adds a message field, an ability to cycle through building textures has been added (I’ll have to go figure it out), and the problem with guns in combat areas has been stabilized and no more changes are expected.
This will be the next version to promote to the main viewer.
Second Life Project 360 Snapshot Viewer version – No work on this until after the 64-bit viewer goes RC.
Second Life Project Alex Ivy Viewer version – This viewer is getting a lot of attention. As of two weeks ago, too few people were using Alex Ivy for the Lab to have good stats. My experience is it crashes less and is faster except in crowds. But, that could be true just for my hardware.
This version is getting the new Kakadu, the software library that handles compression/decompression of textures. Also, CEF is being updated. Lots of new code for this viewer.
The Mac side is lagging a bit. But, the Lindens are working on it.
The Linux version is being ignored for now. The Lindens don’t any plan to work on Linux until after Mac is up and running well.
There is a discussion about changing the default volume for parcel music. The Firestorm Team sees new users exploding while trying to figure out how turn down the volume. Its a problem for new users to find the volume. The FS Team thinks this is a significant deterrent to user retention.
I expect the Lab will change the default volume level.
There is also some discussion about materials and environmental mapping. I have no idea where this will go.
Volume? I would completely turn music off by default. And also these nerve wrecking click sounds.
The Lab has a rational explanation for not turning volume off by default. So, a decrease in volume is all that can be rationally hoped for.
Button clicks can be turned down too. I have reduced UI volume on all my viewers.