The main channel gets a rollout Tuesday. It will get the maintenance release that has been running on all three RC channels. This release has a fix for some temporary attachment problems and adds the ‘description’ field to L$ transactions.
RC Channels
This week there are no new packages coming out. All regions will be running the same server software this week. In this case the RC channels do not need to roll, so no rolls in RC land this week.
The main viewer is 3.7.12-291824, this is a maintenance release with open source fixes and features. It is a long and boring list (release notes), unless you are being bitten by one of the bugs or have been waiting on a feature add.
RC Viewers
There are two RC viewers up right now (Monday night) the Group Ban Viewer and the Library Refresh Viewer.
The two Project Viewers are: Experience Tools and Oculus Rift viewers.
Third Party Viewers
The ordering of the Third Party Viewers (TPV) has changed. They are no longer ordered by crash rate. The crash data was not a very accurate criteria. Crash rates were apparently influenced more by operating system than by viewer brand.
Oz is ordering viewers more by which is the most up-to-date. It is a subjective evaluation, so don’t put too much into the order of viewers.
Firestorm Blocked?
There is a false rumor going around that Firestorm Viewer steals login data and has been blocked by Linden Lab. It is a lie. Firestorm is open source, which makes it hard to steal login data without someone finding out. Jessica has an article up on the FS Blog to quash the rumor. See: Regarding false rumor LL blocked Firestorm.