The Second Life Third Party Viewer Directory lists a new viewer for the Android 2.1 and up devices named LittleSight. It appeared on the list about September 3, 2013.

LittleSight Android SL Viewer – Image: Google Apps Store
This is a Japanese made app. The current version according to the web site appears to be 1.2.0. But, on Google Play it is listed as version 1.4.1.
While it is listed as an app for Android 2.1 and up one user reports it working fine on 1st generation Androids. Since it is free-to-try there is little risk to checking it out.
The web site for the viewer is written in Japanese. Google Translate is not that good with Japanese. So, I find it hard to understand. That may explain my confusion over the version number.

LittleSight 1.4.1
The free app can be found on Google Play. But, it is not completely free. It may be better to call this a free to try app. The catch is you cannot teleport. You login to a single location, which you cannot select, until you purchase their service.
Users are rating LittleSight 3.1 out of 5 with 65 reviews. Mostly re views are good. Complaints I noticed are about earlier versions. It seems most of those have been fixed.
It appears to be a chat viewer for SL with the ability to use the SL World Map for navigation through SL, once you purchase the app’s service. I didn’t find a cost for the app’s service. Not having an Android I can’t really check it out.