I’m always interested in hearing anything about the Mesh Deformer especially when when Karl Stiefvater (aka Qarl Fizz aka Qarl Linden) is talking. So, running through the MetaReality outline on Friday is a regular thing for me. Not much new on the Deformer, but Gianna touches on some of the Avatar 2 stuff I’ve been reporting on.
I used the Outline form with time marks.
- ? – Answering questions from last week
- 01:20 – What would a new Second Life look/function like?
- Qarl thinks the current problems are with the Lab more than they are with Second Life. So, whatever they made for Third Life would still have ‘Lab Problems.’
- Gianna’s take is whatever Second Life became it is a matter of the
- 04:15 Mainit Hellman’s opinion is if they fix some things Second Life would be better. He would check out a new SL.
- Would users really switch?
- 06:00 – What we want to change/fix/add?
- Mainit perceives one of the changes from “the good ol’days” is the change from a free for all do-anything-make-anything to a more socially controlled experience where clicks control. If you’re not ‘IN’ these groups will trash your experience. Thus people limit others creativity and SL… or something like that. So, my take away is he is wanting more freedom and less social pressure and fewer people trying to impose their ideas on others. Isn’t that the running history of humankind?
- 10:00 – Gianna comes back to this topic.
- 07:48 – Could they be connected? – Qarl talks about this possibility as making SL 2.0 compatible with SL 1.0, 1.0 being what we have now. So, technically, yes it is possible.
- 10:30 – Content theft and DMCA process– Big drama in the skin makers circles. In general the process is being abused. It appears Hush Skins (or something like that) is filing DCMA’s against all the competitors. Since the designer is in Canada rebutting the challenge to hold such a person accountable for their specious actions requires entering into international law. So, it is almost impossible to fight this type of abuse. This abuse is also happening in RL.This is a problem with any law that violates the basic principal of innocent until proven guilty. DMCA is based on the idea of guilty until proven innocent. More and more of these upside down laws are being proposed. People, and that includes politicians, are currently so poorly educated about government and the principals of government, freedom, and history they don’t know they have to be engaged or lose theirs and their children’s freedoms.
- 20:43 – SL Advanced tools capability used for griefing – More information on this will be in my SL News when I get to it.
- 21:20 – A closer look at Pathfinding – It’s complicated. Gianna has the gist of it.
- 24:00 – Mesh Deformer Update – No new information on Deformer. More info on Avatar 2.0 not happening. Worth a listen.
- 27:46 – Three months (or so) with the LEA – Gianna says this is one of the more interesting posts about the LEA effort. So, if you have been wrapped up in LEA and that drama or just affected by it, this will give you an idea of some of the insanity that comes from groups. This also ended up impacting SL9B and a friend of mine, of which Gianna is not a fan. Much of the drama comes from the closed and hidden nature of how LEA operates. It is quite the saga.
- 36:50 – SL9B Updates from Saffia – Update on SL9B and what all is happening.
- 47:00 – Bee, a New Interactive Novella from Linden Lab’s Dio-Developer Emily Short – We can expect this to be some indication of what the New Linden projects may be queuing off. So, check it out.
- 49:10 – Blue Mars Mobile update – Botgirl reviews some of those goings on and the article has a funny video. The article is titled: Here’s How I Can Rez and Puppet Your Avatar Without Permission.
- 52:00 – E3 -> ZombiU, 54:15 – SmartGlass, 55:38 – Watch Dogs, 57:07 – Hawken, 57:40 – SimCity and more!
- 58:?? – DayZ
- 59:30 – Airtime
- 01:02:12 – 6.5 Million Encrypted LinkedIn Passwords Leaked Online – Change your SL Passwords.
- 01:03:00 – Mainit’s Baustein store on Marketplace
- 01:04:50 – Strawberry Singh Events Post
I’m trying to get an idea of what designers think on the Deformer issues and debates. It is going to take some doing to decide whether multiple or single base shape is the way to go.
I think the subject of Avatar 2.0 is pretty well closed. Any changes in the avatar will likely be minor weighting changes.