Linden Lab has announced they are going to stop development of Patterns, their version of Minecraft, but prettier.
Those that purchased it can still play it. But, the server side functions will no longer work (sharing worlds).
So… was it just not providing the rate of return needed… or did the Lab want the Pattern’s developers for development work on SL2?
Second Life and Oculus DK2
Jo Yardley saw Ebbe Altberg/Linden in 1920’s Berlin. He was testing out the Linden Lab Viewer for Second Life with Oculus Rift DK2 support. She also caught his Tweet about having the viewer out next week. I assume he means ‘out’ as in a new RC Viewer update.
If it is as an RC Viewer then I expect it will have the new CDN and HTTP Pipeline features included. But, that is just my guess. The CDN and Pipeline features are probably 2 or more weeks from making it out to the main SL Viewer. But, they would be a BIG plus for an Oculus RC Viewer. Continue reading Bits of Second Life 2014-41 #3