Alchemy has RLVa and the Poser found in Black Dragon. Oh! This is nice. Here is an image from Alchemy. I used the Poser to get the hands-on-knee and head to look correct. No special settings in Alchemy.

I haven’t tweaked many settings in Alchemy. Just a couple for mirrors and chat text color. I tested for FPS in my usual places. So, Firestorm is faster. And Reshade is a major hit. Both are PBR.
Porch @128m = 4 FPS w/Reshade
Green @128m = 29 w/Reshade
Porch @128m = 51 FPS w/SL Skin no Reshade
Green @128m = 98 FPS w/SL Skin no Reshade
Nelsonia 7peps @ DD= 128m = 38
Arapaima 9 peps @ DD= 128m = 48
Spa Sensuella Club 24 peps DD=128 = 14 FPS
If I login standing in front of my mirror I see 3 to 6 FPS…
Reshade Install in Second Life
The download link is here. There are two versions. There is a gamer’s version and a solo-player’s version. You’ll want the later for use with SL. The difference has to do with game-cheat detectors. The first version lets you take pictures with the effects and shuts itself down when you play online. The other version just does its thing and you deal with it.
For Second Life we don’t have many games that depend on visual restrictions, or may be any. And the majority of us aren’t playing in games within SL where it would be an issue. I doubt there are any games in SL that are checking whither a player is using Reshade to gain a visual edge.
Whatever, download the full add-on support version. It downloads as an EXE file (3.7MB).
Before you install there is a decision to be made. Windows protects the Program Files folder, which is where most programs install, to avoid virus problems. But, Reshade needs to write to the viewer’s install folder. The common solution to this problem is to give Everyone permission to write to the viewer’s install folder. For Alchemy that would be: C:\Program Files\AlchemyBeta
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