Second Life News HUNKS 2018 w46

New Resident Experience – The Lab continues to work ways to better onboard new users. Themed learning regions for new users has been tried. All the Lindens will say is the results were interesting and have given them new ideas for how to handle the new user.

I take that to mean the idea of themed learning areas didn’t work that well.

Linden Homes – These improvements are running behind. But the improvements are coming. Some may make it to residents before the end of the year.

There are currently 4 types of Linden home. That is going up to about a dozen. You are still limited to a category of a home in a specific region.

You’ll be able to choose a lot size.



As homes upgrade current residents will not ‘have to’ move.

Premium Membership – New things and improvements continue to roll out. The latest is Premium Members get to Animesh attachments. All others get one Animesh attachment.

Migration to Cloud – (17:00±) Busy building infrastructure. Very little of what users use has been moved to the cloud. The goal is to be able to move stuff to the cloud without users noticing. Once that is working and moved, then the Lab will start to take advantage of things that can be done with the cloud that users can notice.

Region Crossings – Oz Linden says they are almost always working on region crossings. In 2018 they did a big push on region crossings and attachments. According to numbers, the Lab can collect it is better. I suspect this is a totally debatable point. I’m seeing lots of stuff detach as I cross regions boundaries. But, I didn’t keep numbers. So, it is impossible to say it isn’t better when the Lab has numbers.

They continue to work on crossings.

Group Features – The Lindens plan to improve performance. If you want new features, put them in the JIRA.

The Lindens are aware people want more groups. But, how, when, and what is being considered. The limit is controlled by the group performance.

Place Pages – They are built and out there.  If you own land, you can get your page.

Abandon Land – There are lots of parcels that are landlocked. The Lab is working on cleaning up land. Moles are constantly improving infrastructure, roads, waterways, railroads, terrain, hubs, etc. Next year they plan to do a push on improving textures.

Railroads – There is a plan to completely rebuild the railroads. Currently, there are like 10 different scripts used to guide trains in the rails. There is a mole assigned to working just on railroads.

Suggestions for railroad fixes and changes should go in the JIRA.

Homestead Regions – The Lindens do think about these regions. But, changes in this area are not spoken of before they are ready to release.

Internal Server Fixes – A high percentage of these server changes are security fixes. Others are for future features.

Phasing out Classic Avatars – This rumor is a hoax. Oz Linden, Director of Engineering, uses a classic avatar. He refuses to change. So…

Improving water Rendering – Being talked about. Possible. But, not soon.

Mac Support – Apple will be removing OpenGL in the future. The Lab is working on how to continue to support Mac. And again, Oz uses Mac…

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