Second Life News HUNKS 2018 w46

Scam – There is a new viewer scam out. No one is quite sure what the scam viewer does. I doubt it is anything you want to find out by experimenting. There are a couple of people taking the viewer apart and looking at the questionable code.

You’ll see the first of the scam in an Instant Message (IM). It is a great promo for a new version of the Firestorm PRO Viewer. It promises ‘No Lag’ even on slow connections, instant loading inventory, faster teleports, instant avatar rez, and faster login. Who wouldn’t want this version of Firestorm?

The Egg Thief

The Egg Thief

But, it is a scam. There is no PRO version of Firestorm. You are sent to a fake Firestorm site The real address is The fake site provides a download with an embedded virus. Most of the big name anti-virus products detect the problem.

Inara provides information on how to report this IM if you receive one. See her Fake Firestorm. Continue reading