24:00 – 2.i : You must not display any information regarding the computer system, software, or network connection of any other Second Life user.
2.j : You must not include any information regarding the computer system, software, or network connection of the user in any messages sent to other viewers, except when explicitly elected by the user of your viewer.
(? Linden) says this means one cannot display viewer tags.
This starts to get a bit hot. But, it is not about banning TPV viewers as some think.
(? Linden) makes it clear that the viewer cannot display viewer information for the user. A user must explicitly cause the viewer to transmit the information. It must be explicite opt-in. Opt-out is not acceptable.
The reason for the change on viewer tags information is privacy. A significant problem for the Lab has been the harassment of new users for the viewer they use. The Lab sees that as unacceptable. From my perspective this is more than enough cause for the Lab to ban the tags. So, this is a change motivated by poor behavior of some residents.
30:00 – It is possible to build HUD’s that can display viewer information. For the Lab the HUD’s are not a problem. If the feature is built into a viewer, then it is a viewer problem and the Lab does care.
32:00 – RLV – (? Linden) says this is a different question and defers that discussion to a later time. Since RLV is an opt-in feature it is not affected by the new policy changes.
34:30 – Color Tags – The plan is to use tag color. Users will be able to use color to ID friends and members of groups. What is going way is my ability to set my tag’s color on your screen. I won’t be able to pretend to be one of your friends or group by coloring my tag on your screen.
37:00 – The tag change will roll to the main grid and release channels on Tuesday and Wednesday.
38:30 – Text viewers are a special case. I suggest you leave them of your thinking when trying to figure out what is or is not acceptable under the new policies.
Hmmmmmm… “trust us we are the new and resident responsive LL”. I’ll believe it when I see it, they have to overcome a lot of negative inertia.
I did a tally of the New Feature catagory at the jira, OVER HALF are labeled Awaiting Review — (~4000). If LL really intends to be more responsive to feature requests they need to have a better system than the jira. Right now the best avenue we have is to tell the TPV teams, they listen; oh, or we can hire Qarl (if he will ever do it again with all the attitude he has gotten).
I understand the negative inertia. Once burned and all… The Lindens are aware of the problem.
The JIRA is integrated into the work flow of LL. It is also the primary bug reporting and feature requests processes for numberless software projects both commercial and open source. It is pretty high end software for this type of work. It has developed over years. So, what would suggest?
I know many think the JIRA does not work and the Lindens ignore it. But that is not the case. Go to the JIRA and select any of the Projects from the top menu and check the summary. It gives you items reported and items fixed within the project. As of today there are 67 new issue reports and 42 resolved in the last 30 days.
That brings us to the ongoing problem of whether to add new features or fix problems with existing features and services. The Lab’s resources are limited. I doubt we will every be happy with adoption rate of requested features.
Here is my take on this matter: