I seldom write about fashion… I suppose flip flops can be fashionable. But, I really like these bare feet and flip-flaps. The creator is not a native English speaker so I don’t know if the flaps part is intentional. I’ll guess it is.
I’ve been writing this blog for a couple of years and I don’t even have a fashion category. I suppose that is sad for someone that looks at several fashion blogs during any week. Daily Look SL is a favorite of mine. I had to take it out of my reader. I was going broke buying stuff I liked.
I looked all over for bare feet that didn’t make me look like a duck. J’s were some that I really liked at a nice price, L$350. The flip-flops were an added bonus. See #SL Bare Feet.
The feet are sculpty as are the flip-flops. A couple of clicks and you can add or remove the flip-flops via script. The feet and flip-flops are NO-MOD, which is kinda a bummer. Since they are sculpties I don’t have to worry about what the mesh Deformer is going to do to them.
There is no alpha layer or invisa-prims. Set your feet to zero size and your good to wear them.
There are ankle bangles that you can add. They can cover up the match line between the foot and leg. These are MODE-OK, which is nice.
When I first got the feet I was very happy. Then I weighted them. Bummer. They had like 100 scripts and used 5mb of script memory. I was so bummed.
I sent ‘J’ a message and explained the problem. Sniff sniff. I planned to keep the feet and just rarely wear them. But, ‘J’ sent me a new set of the feet and flip-flops. Seems I got an old style pair. The newer ones have a Delete Scripts feature in the controls. Click the scripted feet to get the menu. Remember to save a copy of the feet before removing the scripts.
Once the scripts are gone, mostly gone, they are down to 16 scripts using about 450k of script memory. While there are still scripts in them, the feet are no longer clickable. So, while still a bit on the high side, it is a massive improvement.
Adding the ankle decorations and removing the scripts pushes the script count up to 26 and about 1mb of script memory, still very usable.
You will likely see me running around the beach in my new bare feet. \o/
You can find the feet at: J’s TSUKISHIMA.
There are demo versions of most things in the store.