Second Life Scripting: LSL to C#

We don’t get much scripting news in Second Life™ these days. There is Project Sansar which will use C#, which I think dampens the enthusiasm for working on LSL (Linden Scripting Language). But, this little piece of news popped up on SLUniverse: LibLSLCC – Replacement for LSL editor, lsl to C# converter.


I really like this image…

If you’re interested drop by and say thanks. If you’ve tried it out, drop by and give it a review.

The converter is here: Github: EriHoss/LibLSLCC. Scroll down for more information. For those just wanting the executable: LibLSLCC & LSLCCEditor Build.

I’m not scripting. Nothing I’m doing needs a script just now. So, it may be some time before I get to it.