Second Life News Bits 2018 w11

We get just ‘bits’ of news today (Thursday-Friday) as there is no Content Creators’ meeting this week. There is a third-party developer meeting Friday, I think.


Tuesday there was no Deploys post until late in the day. The main channel was restarted. No rollout of new software. I had guessed that was the case.



Blue Steel got a new version # Internal changes.

Le Tigre and Magnum got version # Which has Internal fixes and more simulator logging improvements.

From the Beta Server UG in Aditi, we get word work is being done to find out and fix the problem of some Aditi inventories not syncing up for weeks.

From what Mazidox Linden says I take it the Lindens are doing triage on server improvements running on Aditi to decide which ones to polish and release on Agni. So, we’ll see release notes saying more than just ‘internal fixes’ for some coming releases.

Version DRTSIM-369, or I think #, will be updated in place… o.o …to add diagnostic logging to help track down a problem with in-world HTTP servers.

The release will also have 2 new capabilities. One is to ensure reliable delivery of IM’s while a user is offline. The other is a feature that will allow the viewer to download a list of Abuse Report categories from the Linden servers. This allows for changes to the categories without waiting for viewer updates. Viewers will, of course, have to be updated to take advantage of the two new capabilities.


The Lindens have announced, The Adventure Continues in Linden Realms: The Wrath of Ruth. Cute name… The silly Linden video to go with it is here.

Fun video.

Of course, people are complaining about the change to Linden Realms. Others are just having fun with it.


If you like images of people in Second Life™, you’ll like these. The How Does Your Avatar Look Today thread is fun and still running strong. Now (3/14) 249 pages. In mid-February, it was 220 pages. So, a popular thread.

Finding interesting SL peeps on Flickr can be a challenge. So, I started the SL Forum thread Is Your Avatar an Exhibitionist? Are you sure?. It has introduced me to several people I decided to follow. And several people have decided to follow me. Check it out.

Another source of interesting people images is The VaNiTy ThReAd. It has grown to 364 pages.

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