Second Life Adult: Open Collar

PS: Taylor.p points out that 6.4 was released last May. 

Those playing with RLV will get notices that Open Collar has an update out, v6.4.0. Provided they have not turned off ‘notices’. The update is a bit different than other updates we deal with in Second Life™. The update will upgrade a range of RLV Relay attachments.

Back To Black

Back To Black

Oh, and it is free. There are more details on Open Collars “Update” page. 

You do have to go to The Temple of the Collar™ to get the upgrade. It seems the scripts can’t tell if you are using a collar, bracelet, or other attachment for your relay. So, you have to go pick from a board at the temple.

There are always interesting people at the temple. Great place to avatar watch.

The ‘update’ is boxed. So, that has to be unpacked. Then the unpacked updater has to be worn. It is a HUD. Wear the relay you want to update. Click the HUD and it asks if you are ready to update. The update takes a few minutes. The HUD has a floating text progress bar.

I was surprised that it was slow. That may have been because I was updating while at the temple. It may be faster in a less populated region.

Once updated, remove the HUD. Or if you have multiple relay attachments to upgrade, wait and the HUD will reset, at least it appears to. I have yet to try it for serial updates. Then repeat the process. But, they warn, only one relay at a time.

PS: 4/14/2017 – There is some confusion about who owns what and provides which products. Windy Starfall contacted me to correct the misinformation. You’ll find Wendy’s name inside an OpenCollar 6 when looking through the scripts.

OpenCollar was a several member team creating the open source OpenCollar. Virtual Disgrace is the new incarnation of that team. They changed the team name to Virtual Disgrace and began making commercial products AND maintaining OpenCollar as a free open source product. The list of contributors to the OpenCollar project is here. makes the whole source code, creative content, and 3D model available for anyone to download for free.

The latest update according to the OpenCollar web site was 3/4/2017 as a 6.5 version based on Heartcore 6.5.0/26. Heartcore being a commercial version of OpenCollar with greater risk and difficulty escaping. Since there is a cost for Heartcore, it is not as disposable and that blocks one escape route.

Another OpenCollar update is planned for June 2017.

6 thoughts on “Second Life Adult: Open Collar

  1. One of my friends linked me to this article saying they were confused so maybe I can clarify for other people: OpenCollar 6.4.0 isn’t new (it came out last May). Nalates got an update notification now because she (presumably) wore an outdated collar. If you already updated within the past 9 months you won’t get a notice because there isn’t a new update out.

    • Thanks for the correction… I’ve been using RLV all through that time… May be I should join the Open Collar Group…

  2. Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion/critique of what is happening , and nothing more.

    Please be aware that while OpenCollar is an open-source code that can be copied by any person or entity, it’s ‘license’ is owned by Virtual Disgrace, who can, and has, at times, taken the product off the market in order to ‘test public reaction’, and make their pay-for upgrade the most easily accessible alternative to the ‘free’ collars/scripts. They can, at any time, discontinue any further upgrades to the code, just as any other commercial code maker can with their own products.

    The original makers of OpenCollar was a loose organization of coder/scripters, and over time, it became too much to handle for them, so they offered up the license to whomever they felt was capable of continuing it. However, in that taking over of the license by a commercial entity, it lost it’s original philanthropic intent of providing a free collar system for the masses who couldn’t afford the more elaborate systems available, to become a way to get people ‘hooked’ on the mechanism, and then upselling better designs and fuller feature sets.

    Recently, Virtual Disgrace has ‘tested people’s reactions’ and seems to be re-thinking their business model, seemingly with the belief that OpenCollar is marginalizing their profit capability. For now though, they have the last system they made back in their free vendors.

    • The free market is an interesting chaos that always seems to provide the best solution. Not necessarily what we personally may like, but usually what the majority wants. We can vote with our dollars. We have some problems with RLV/Open Collar/Mesh Bodies. I wrote a post about them here:

      Open source people could take it on. Some volunteers do it for the love of it… or whatever. But, these volunteers do wear out. Then if no one steps up, the software languishes. LSLEditor is another example. If a commercial entity is willing to take it over then the software will progress and grow. It may cost us but, if we don’t want the software enough to pay something for it… why is anyone spending their time on it?

      The free market assures effort, time, and money is spent on projects that people want. I pay for AvaStar and think I am getting a great deal. Gaia makes a living developing the software. If we didn’t pay for it, Gaia would have to spend time working a job to eat. Little or not time for AvaStar.

      I’m not sure how much I would pay for RLV Relay software. But, as I pointed out in the post, there are lots of difficult problems to be solved. Having a solution to make RLV and mesh body use easier, would be worth something.

  3. Hallo, habe mir bei OpenCollar einen kostenpflichtigen Collar (490 L$) besorgt. Als der dann technischen Problem aufwies, habe ich mich mit jemand (Otto SL Name) aus dem Techn. Team von OC in Verbindung gesetzt. Leider bekam ich bis auf Beschimpfungen wenig nützliches zu hören. “Man würde nicht den Kunden in den Arsch kriechen wegen 1,80 €”. Mein Geld habe ich auch nicht zurück erhalten, nur den Hinweis ich sollte in Zukunft meinen “Scheiss” bei anderen Anbietern im SecondLife einkaufen. Bin seit dem auf allen OpenCollar Sim’s gebannt, ebenso aus der Gruppe und anderen im SL wird erzählt, ich sei ein Mecker- und Nervkunde der sich nicht zu benehmen weiß. In Anbetracht dieser Vorgänge kann ich nur vom Kauf bei OpenCollar warnen.

    • Google Translation: Hello, I have an OpenCollar with a paid collar (490 L $) worried. As the then technical problem showed, I got in contact with someone (Otto SL name) from the technical team of OC. Unfortunately, I got to hear very little about verbal abuse. “You would not creep the customers in the ass because of 1.80 €”. My money I did not get back, just the hint I should in the future my “shit” with other vendors in the SecondLife shopping. I’ve been banned on all the OpenCollar Sims, as well as from the group and others in the SL is told that I am a mecker and nerve that does not know how to behave. In view of these events, I can only warn of buying with OpenCollar.

      Response: I’ve been using OpenCollar products and scripts without problem. Sorry for your bad experience.

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