The main channel got an update this morning. The package is said to fix BUG-40735 – Paying an object with [slgaming] in the object name (most skill game machines) fails on the RC and some ‘Internal Changes’.
The RC channels did not update and continue to run the package now on the main channel.
No new information the 40 regions named HR/HC/HIH.
Version remains the default viewer, no change.
RC Second Life Bento Viewer version – No update. There is supposed to be a Project Bento meeting this Thursday.
RC Second Life Maintenance Viewer version – This version had updated since last week’s version
Second Life Project 360 Snapshot Viewer version – This project viewer has been out about a week. It has a primitive 360-camera. The Lindens are developing it. There are retail products in the market place that are better, if you need 360 now. But, watch how this develops.
If you are into 360-images get the viewer and provide feedback. It is still possible to shape the feature. The Lindens just have to see the feedback and understand user cases.
See: Second Life: New Easy 360 Camera Coming and Second Life: How to USE SL 360 Images.
PS: Does anyone like the new Flickr HOME page? I don’t.